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"What the fuck!" I heard Nick yell as I sat on top of him and strangled him, all adrenaline kicking in. "Get the fuck off of me!"

"No you fucking bastard!" I yelled and tried to have more pressure.

It was a little hard to keep my grip as Nick kicked, punched, and clawed at my back to be let free.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" I screamed.

I heard Harry yell and then the football team were trying to pry my grip from around Nick's neck.

"Tomlinson, let go!" I heard Bradly yell.

I didn't listen. I just looked into Nick's eyes with devil orbs.

"Come on, help us!" Micheal shouted.

More people tried to tear me apart from Nick's flesh and it finally worked.

Nick then stood and started swinging at me.

I looked to Harry who was stood still, watching this all happen in utter shock.

I turned back to Nick and punched him right in the jaw.

He screamed and tackled me to the ground now punching me everywhere on my face.

The team then pulled us apart all the way and were yelling for people to move and go home.

The party was definitely over now.

"What has gotten into you Tomlinson!" Calum yelled over everyone's gossiping mouths as they left.

"Ask Nick and Harry!" I yelled back trying to get out of Brad, Connor,  and Micheal's grip on me.

"What did they do?" Connor asked.

"Ask em!"

"Well?" Connor asked turning to them.

"I don't know what the hell he is talking about?" Nick yelled ready to punch me again.

"Oh really?" I laughed. "Halloween doesn't ring a fucking bell to you!"

Nick then stood up straight and looked at Harry, who was now sitting on the sofa looking up into space.

"Well Harry?" Nick asked. "Mind explaining this to everyone?"

Harry stayed looking at the wall, completely spaced out.

"Well-" Nick said. "How about you Tommo?"

I then thought of why they beat me up and I then stood up straight not opening my mouth.

"So you wanted to bring this up? So tell us... what happened... and why?" Nick asked with a smirk on his face.

I didn't say anything.

"That's what I thought." Nick nodded. "I wouldn't bring that up again or these guys might not want to be your friends anymore and you wound't want that now would you?"

I shook my head no.

"Right." Nick nodded. "Well I should be going. Harry can ride with someone else." he said and then walked away... but then shouted before he left completely, "I'd watch your back Tomlinson!"

I stood there looking at the ground not wanting to face the wondering... questioning eyes of the football team.

"Well what the bloody hell was that about?" Justin asked.

I just shook my head and sat on a sofa that was empty.

"Well you have to tell us. That was mad." Luke said in shock.

I still didn't say anything.

"Okay, maybe we all should just sleep this mess off?" Calum asked.

Everyone agreed and then went to their rightful places to sleep.

I just sat on the sofa watching Harry who's eyes were bloodshot and who's mouth was trembling.

I decided not to punch him like I did Nick because I know I could always do it later.

But it's crazy that the Halloween beat up wasn't a dream... he actually did it and then made me seem crazy and think it was a dream.

Why the hell would he do that to me?

Who the fuck does that to someone?

Pretty soon my eyes were closing and I was asleep... but got woken right back up with the sound of someone choking.

I sat up from the sofa and saw my phone light up.

It was 3:00 am.

I turned to Harry who was asleep but was choking on his own vomit.

"Harry!" I yelled and sprinted to him.

I lifted his head up and called for the boys.

All the boys rushed downstairs and tried to help me.

Tristan called 911.

"Harry wake up!" I yelled but Harry kept choking.

"Their coming!" Tristan shouted in panic.

"Come on guys! We really need to help him. How do we do it?" Shawn asked with a red face.

"I don't know! No one has ever choked on their vomit around me!" Justin said as he paced back and forth behind us while grabbing his hair. "Fuck my parents are going to kill me."

"Fuck that-" Connor started. "-Harry will be kicked off the team and loose his scholarship!"

"Fuck!" Justin said sitting down on the floor and crying.

I tilted Harry's head up more and whispered, "Come on Harry, wake up. Wake up and spit it all out."

But he kept choking and his face became purple and red from the lack of air coming to him.

A few minutes later the paramedics showed up.

"What's the problem?" a ginger haired man asked.

"We had a party and our friend came here late and seemed to be on some kind of drug. We all stayed over so we didn't have to drive and now he is vomiting in his sleep. He won't wake up or stop." Shawn explained.

"Alright, well we got it from here." the other guy, with dark chocolate skin, spoke.

"Can we follow you guys to the hospital?" I asked.

"Yeah." the ginger nodded.

They then took him to the hospital and all of us followed in our cars behind them.

Once we got to the hospital, we all sat outside Harry's room and waited for an answer.

Was he dead?

Was he alive?

Was he in a coma?

"It's going to be okay." Ashton whispered once he saw how freaked out I was.

"What if it's not okay though? This is life. Not a book. Something could go wrong."

"Don't think like that Louis. Someone or something is looking out for him okay?"

I did't say anything.

"Okay?" he repeated.

"Okay." I nodded.


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