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"Why aren't you dressed for graduation?" Niall asked me as I curled in on myself in bed.

"Because I look hideous."

"No you don't."

I turned over so he could see me... bruises and all.

"Oh shit. What happened to you?"

"Didn't you hear? Everyone found out I was gay and they ganged up on me."

"Louis I'm so sorry." Niall said sitting at the edge of my bed. "I can't believe they did that to you."

"I couldn't either at the time. But now I can."

"Those guys are absolute idiots."

"Tell me something I don't know." I said and then rolled over so I could cuddle into myself some more.

"Louis-" Niall huffed. "-you can't stay here forever. You need to come to graduation today."

"I don't want to show my face at the school ever again."

"Louis. You are going."

"Even if I wanted to go... I'd look like a joke."

"Because of your bruises?"

I nodded.

Niall sighed and then shouted, "Louis!"

"Jesus." I said turning over to face him. "What?"

"I have an idea."


"Now you might say no, but this will really show everyone that you don't care..."

"What Niall? Just tell me."

"Wear makeup."

"Um... are you shitting me?"

"What? No?"

"Why would you suggest that? After everything I've been through?"

"I thought it would be empowering."

"Well it's not. I'd be a joke."

"You will not be a joke Louis."

"Really? I was beat up for being gay. Now you want me to show up to graduation wearing makeup? That's suicide Niall."

"I think it's a statement."

"And what am I trying to say?"

"That you don't care they beat you up. That you are proud to be gay. That you are strong and they can't tare you down."

"And you really think wearing makeup will tell everybody that?"

"I do." he nodded.

I sighed and nodded.


"Great." he smiled and then called for his girlfriend, my twin sister, Lottie.

"What?" she asked.

"Do Lou's makeup for the graduation."

"To cover his bruises?"

"Yeah, but glam him up."

"You got it." she smiled and then got her supplies. "Close your eyes Lou." she then spoke softly.

So I did.

It only took about an hour, but then she was done.

"You look hot." Lottie said.

"You did an amazing job babe." Niall said pecking her on the lips. "Now get into your suit and meet us down stairs you big lug.

I nodded and got dressed into my suit.

I then made my way downstairs and everyone melted.

They said I looked like an angel.

Mom then took a photo of me outside, even though it was dark and handed it to me after she wrote on it and it dried.

Woe, I looked amazing

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Woe, I looked amazing.

"You ready to go now?" Niall asked with a knowing smile.

"Yeah." I nodded with a wide grin plastered to my face. "I'm ready."

Everyone in my family then piled into my moms car, along with Niall, and we road to my school.

When we got there, everyone got out, and Lottie, Niall, and I walked to were all of the seniors were meeting.

When we walked into the locker room hall, everyone stopped and looked right at me.

"What the fuck are you wearing Tomlinson?" Nick asked with a disgusted look on his face.

"Makeup. Whats it to you?" I asked being brave.

"That's disgusting." James spoke up.

"I'm glad." I smiled.

"I think he looks hot as hell." a girl I don't talk to very much named Perrie spoke up.

"What?" Zayn, from the baseball team and the night of Halloween, her ex boyfriend asked looking towards her. "No wonder I broke up with you."

"I think he looks good too." Gigi his current girlfriend spoke up.

"Of course all the girls would think so." Shawn said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well then I guess I'll get more pussy then all of you." I smiled and Lottie, Niall, and I then made our way to all the girls that were telling us to come over by them.

All the boys looked stunned but didn't say anything to me.

Nick even didn't say anything to me... and then the graduation started.

When they called my name, I felt like I was walking on clouds.

"Louis William Tomlinson, accepted to Juilliard, tenth in his class."

I walked across the stage with grace and I heard louder claps and people shouting, "Go you!" "You rock makeup!" "He's so hot!"

I felt like a rock star.

I can't wait to leave high school behind and began my new life... an openly gay, ballerina, make up wearing, guy.

Who needs the football team?

Most of all... who needs Harry?


Happy New Years everyone!!!

Please like and comment ~Ash

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