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"Beautiful Kian!" Sir Polunin shouted to him, my friend that was playing the Mouse King as we danced in dress rehearsal.

I sat out in the audience seats, since I was on break, and watched all of the other main characters and background dancers practice.

I think this is going to be a fantastic show.

I was then called to the stage to perform all of my parts and Sir Polunin was glowing with happiness at our production.

I was then sent home early for a good nights rest but really I went to a restaurant with my family and Harry because tomorrow is my nineteenth birthday and they are all up in New York to see me. So we decided to celebrate tonight because I have to perform on my actual birthday, Christmas Eve, and then again on Christmas.

"I can't believe my baby is going to be nineteen." my mom cried as she hugged me after the waiter brought out my ice cream.

"I can't believe it either." I spoke after a bite of my ice cream.

"Harry will be nineteen too in a few months." mom then said and hugged him.

Harry laughed.

"I already feel like i'm fifty." he said and that caused everyone to giggle.

"And I can't believe my baby is going to play the Nutcracker Prince in The Nutcracker." mom smiled with tears running down her cheeks.

"Oh mom, stop crying." I laughed and wiped her tears.

"It's just so surreal to me that all of this is happening. You've always wanted to be a ballerina and you always wanted to perform in big shows with the biggest parts... and here you are doing it at only nineteen years old... fresh out of high school."

I didn't have any words, so I just smiled and then continued to eat my dessert.

My family then went back to their hotel room and Harry and I went back to our dorm room.

The next day I woke up with the biggest smile on my face.

It's my birthday and today is the first showing of The Nutcracker.

So I woke up Harry and then started to get ready to go to the dance studio and run through the show a few times before tonight.

After running through the show a few times we all went out to dinner together and then headed to the auditorium to start getting our make up and hair done.

After that we all got dressed into our costumes and waited for the curtain to rise for the show to start.

When it finally started I took a deep breath and performed everything to the best of my abilities.

The only thing I was nervous for was the big dance with Lauren and my solo.

Of course Sir Polunin had to put in those jumps that go around stage into my solo again.


But when the time came, I tried to rock it with everything I had.

(Lauren and Louis' performance + Louis' solo)

After I was done and bowed at the end of the show, roses were being thrown at me and I cried right on stage.

It was magical.

Something every ballerina dreams of since they are little.

After I got changed Harry wanted to take me out for a little grown up party time with Grayson, Ethan, James, Ross, Lucky, Kian, JC, him, and I.

So of course I said yes because it was my birthday and I was having the time of my life.

"Cheers to the birthday boy!" Harry shouted after he paid for all of our shots.

We all cheered and then sucked down the liquid so our throats wouldn't burn, but mine still did.

We had shot after shot and beer after beer.

I was getting so wasted.

But then Harry brought out drugs.

"Harry why do you still have these? I thought you were going sober?" I asked disappointed.

"I am, but I wanted to use up my last batch." he said and then turned to all of us. "Would you guys, for free, want to share my last batch of goodies with me?"

Everyone cheered and I agreed to have a share in his last batch he has left.

We then followed Harry to a private back room and there he set up a station for cocaine, a station for some drug you shoot up with, and then a station with different colors and shapes of pills.

I didn't trust the needle drug, so I decided to go with the a pill and hoped that I didn't swallow one that could kill me... and with that... I partied hard all night long.



Please like and comment :) ~Ash

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