Epilogue Part One

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(Fourteen years later)

"Everyone please welcome Principal Dancer from the American Ballet, Louis Tomlinson!" Alan Carr from Chatty Man based in the UK, yelled to the crowd, and then I was pushed to walk out the door.

I then walked down the stairs waving and smiling to the crowd and then came upon Alan. I gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek.

I was then led to a sofa, so I sat down on it.

"Well hello Louis." Alan smiled to me. "Want something to drink?"

"An orange soda?"

"Really darling? That?" He laughed. "At least you didn't say ice cubes! Look how thin you are love!"

I laughed and so did the crowd.

"So?" he then asked after handing me a drink. "How are you?"

"I'm fantastic." I smiled.

"I love your makeup." he said looking at my face with narrow eyes. "It's amazing."

"Thanks." I smiled wider. "My ex did it."

"Oh." Alan said carrying it out. "You hear that? His ex did it! Are you and James back together?"

"Oh no." I said shaking my head. "James and I are really good friends."

"I still can't believe the worlds power couple... CoverGirl's cover boy James Charles and American Principal Dancer Louis Tomlinson broke up after seven years of dating!"

"Well-" I started. "A lot of things don't last." I shrugged. "When I dated Lucky Smith, who is still my best friend till this day, we dated for five years, and we were a power couple that didn't last. Now James and I didn't last. But we have so much history and love for each other that we have to stay friends... and I wouldn't want anyone else doing my makeup."

Alan nodded.

"It's not awkward?"

"Oh no! I love Lucky and James both!"

"So? Let's move on to the elephant in the room..."

"Oh yes." I nodded. "I know where this is going."

"You're retiring from the American Ballet!"

"Yes." I nodded and I heard the crowd boo so I turned to them. "Guys, I have to. I'm thirty-three. It's time to put up my pointe shoes and move on. I love all of my fans and I will not stay out of the spot light for long. I like it too much."

"Oh?" Alan asked. "What does that mean?"

"Well." I said turning back to him. "That means that I'm going to be in a movie."

"No you are not?"

"Yes." I nodded. "I'm actually filming it right now."

"Woe! Put those acting skills to work!"

"Yes." I nodded. "It's being done by the Dolan Twin Company."

"Go you! Those guys movies are huge right now."

"I know." I nodded. "But I went to college with them. They agreed to help me out and put my name out there."

"Well that's still amazing."

"Yes, but my final ballet performance will be performed in Lakeland, Florida at the Polk Theater. I'll be performing my first ballet dance I ever performed, not my audition, in Lakeland."

"Woe, that is one special treat."

"Yes." I nodded. "And I hope as many people as possible will come."

"I'm sure they will." Alan smiled. "Well that's all the time we have for Louis today." Alan then said turning to the cameras.

I then waved, said my goodbyes, and left for the airport.

I have to fly to Florida.

_____ The Last Performance Day _____

"Oh Lou, don't be sad." My mom said to me as I waited back stage.

"I am." I sighed. "This is my last ballet performance ever."

"But it's time for you to retire. You know ballet dancers can't dance past thirty-five. They aren't as good as the young, more flexible dancers."

"Yeah I know." I nodded with a frown plastered to my face.

"But at least you got to live out your dreams." she smiled and then kissed my cheek. "What were all the shows you danced in?"

"The Nutcracker, A Mid Summer Nights Dream, An American in Paris, Swan Lake-"

"-Spartacus, Cinderella, Romeo and Juliet, The Sleeping beauty... god and so much more." mom finished for me.

I smiled.

"I really did live out my dreams mom. Thank you for supporting me through all of this."

"No problem baby. Now kill it. You're on." She spoke after I heard my name called.

"I love you."

"Love you too Lou!"

I then walked onto the dark unlit stage of the Polk Theater in downtown Lakeland and got in position on the floor.

Before the lights hit or the music started... I closed my eyes and thought of the first time I performed for an audience as a lead role... the Nutcracker Prince in The Nutcracker.

My favorite performance ever.

Then I thought about the first time I performed in Lakeland.

It was to a bunch of asshole jerk football players in their first ever ballet class.

And I made their jaws drop.

That's what I'm planning to do today.

Then the music started...

(Louis' performance)

After I was done it was silent and I thought for a split second that I had disappointed the crowd on my last show... but then the thunderous claps roared and I felt the tears come.

I got up, walked to the center of the stage, bowed, and smiled the biggest grin I could.

I did this.

I made this fandom.

I couldn't believe it and I wanted to soak it all up... but I then had to go.

I went back stage and gave my mom the biggest hug I could.

"I'm so proud of you Louis." she whispered and cried at that same time.

I let go of her and then felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around... and almost fainted at who I saw.


Please check out my other book "White Rose" on LS_Stories and thanks for reading! Stick around for part 2 next week! Please like and comment! ~Ash

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