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The stench.

Holy shit the stench.

Harry's alcoholic puke breath was disgusting.

I quickly pushed Harry off after registering what just happened.

"Harry what the hell?" I whispered backing up.

Harry looked at me like he just saw a ghost.

"You just kissed me?" I said still whispering.

"No I didn't." he said shaking his head.

"Yes you did Harry. You literally just kissed me."

"Louis you're crazy. I think you had a little to much to drink." he said calmly.

"Me?" I asked shocked. "Harry you've had a little to much to drink. Well that and your coked up."

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Harry said shaking his head but I could tell by the way he was shaking that he was having a freak out.


They can really ruin your life.

"Harry I think I need to take you home." I said walking up to him.

"No!" he yelled and pushed me away so I fell and hit my head on the door.

"Ouch." I said touching the back of my head to see if there was blood.

That hurt like hell.

But there was no blood.

Harry just stood there not moving.

"Wow Harry." I said getting up. "You really need to chill out. This isn't good."

"Don't tell me what the fuck I need to do."

"Harry stop." I said trying to calm him. "You need to chill out."

"I am chill twink!" he yelled.

I stood straight up.

"What?" I whispered out.

"I don't need help from a twink Louis. Go home. No one here needs you. You're just a little fairy who doesn't belong near this team."

"Is that really how you feel still?" I asked hushed as a tear slipped out that I was trying to hold back.

"Yeah." Harry said walking up to me. "No one wants you here." he whispered right into my face.

I tried not to gag from his alcohol puke breath.

I just nodded, turned around, and left.

The minute I left the bathroom he slammed the bathroom door shut.

That's when the tears fell. They fell like they've never fallen before.

I thought I was getting somewhere with him.

Then I remembered the dream I had on Halloween.

Maybe my mind was warning me to stay away but I didn't listen.

I never listen to anything.

I'm too stubborn.

But now I'm listening.

I need to stay away from him.

He's bad news.

Very bad news.

So I started to walk home.

Lottie and Niall can take my car. I gave Niall the keys anyways.

As I walked home in tears I tried to shake off how bad I felt.

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