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Harry and I had no shirts on and I was covered in hickeys.

I so wanted to be fucked.

But I pushed him off.

"Harry we can't." I said moving away from him.

"Why not?" he asked grinding his hard member onto me.

"Because we just started to become friends and I know you are going to react badly to this already... so if we have sex, you might kill me."

"But I want to fuck."

"That's the Heroin talking Harry."

"But I really do want it."

"No you don't." I said shaking my head and putting my shirt back on.

"You know, I'm throwing myself at you and you won't take it. I thought you wanted me?"

"Not like this."

"Then how?"

"Sober? I want to know that you actually want this?"

"What if this is how I have to be all the time?"

"Then you aren't worth it."

"I'm worth it." he whispered.

I just shook my head.

"Come on druggie. Let's go back to the party."

He sighed and nodded.

We walked back downstairs and I saw everyone was sat out by the campfire.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked walking outside.

"Chilling." Connor answered.

"Yeah." Shawn nodded. "A lot of the stuff is wearing off."

"So where are we going to crash?" Calum asked.

"Well Niall, Styles, Irwin, and I are rooming in my room. The rest of you get the living room."

"Cool." James nodded along with Micheal.

"Well I think we should all head to bed. I think we need a good nights rest." I spoke putting the fire out.

"It's only two in the morning." Bradley spoke.

"Well yeah, but my mom will be here at one tomorrow. So you guys need to sober the fuck up and hide all the drugs and alcohol."

"Oh okay." Brad then nodded.

"Alright, so lets move it." I spoke and then everyone followed me inside.

Everyone laid down on the sofas and the ground; they were out in five minutes. So Ash, Ni, H, and I went up to my bedroom.

Harry climbed into my bed before I could say anything so Niall and Ashton got blankets and pillows and crashed on my floor. They were also out in five minutes... so only Harry and I were up.

"We're the only ones up." Harry whispered as we laid in bed together.

"I know." I whispered back not looking at him.

"Can't you just do it with me?"

I then looked over at him.

"I know you don't want to. I'm not going to take advantage of you."

"But I know you want it." Harry said and placed his hand on my member.

"Fuck." I whispered as I twitched.

"I know you want me... and right now I want you Lou."

"If I say yes will you shut up?"

Harry nodded fast.

"And will you not be mad at me later?"

Harry nodded.

"Alright." I nodded.

Harry leaned over in the dark and connected his lips to mine.

His plumps fit perfectly with my thin pinks.

As we kissed Harry stuck his hand in my pants and started to jack me off making me go completely hard.

"Jack me off too." Harry panted in my ear.

I nodded and reached over and stuck my hand in his PJ pants.

I felt his warm skin and wanted to cum just from that.

We french kissed each other as we gave each other hand jobs.

I've got to say it felt amazing.

Pretty soon he and I both were coming... and he bit my lip as he did so.

It was hot as fuck.

We then pulled away and I cuddled into his side.

"Get off." he said shrugging me off.

"What?" I asked hurt.

"I don't want to be touched. Goodnight." he said and then turned over so I couldn't see his face.

What the fuck?

I then held back tears and turned over as well.

In what felt like minutes I was opening my eyes and it was morning.

I turned over and saw Harry was facing my way again, but asleep. So I sat there and looked at his face. For some reason it's now beautiful to me. I don't know why... but it is now.

I saw him twitch, so I got up so I wouldn't be caught for looking at him as he slept.

I saw Niall and Ashton were still asleep so I walked downstairs and was surprised to see everyone up and drinking coffee.

"Who made you guys coffee?" I laughed.

"I did." Luke said raising his hand. "I have the same machine so I knew what to do."

"Oh okay." I nodded.

"Want some?" he then asked.

"No thanks." I said shaking my head. "I don't drink coffee. Just tea."

"Oh alright. Sorry."

"It's cool." I shrugged.

Just then Niall, Ashton, and Harry all came down stairs.

"Merry Christmas." Ashton smiled to everyone.

"Merry Christmas!" Everyone shouted.

Everyone then sat on my living room floor and on my sofas and watched Christmas movies until my mom and my sisters got home.

Everyone then introduced each other.

Then mom made everyone leave and be with their families... but as everyone was leaving... Justin invited me to his place again for a New Years Eve party... so of course I said yes.

What could go wrong?


This weekend and this week have been terrible

Please like and comment! ~Ash

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