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The next day, Christmas, when I opened my eyes, I was hit with a blinding light from my dorm room and I wanted to stab out my eyes.

It was so blinding and I was so hung over.

But I sat up anyways and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

I looked over and saw Harry asleep in his bed, so I yawned, then got up to take a shower.

After that I got dressed into my ballet clothes and headed for practice since we were performing The Nutcracker again tonight... it was our final performance.

I walked into the studio and did the stretches that Sir Polunin asked us to do... but fuck... I could barley keep my balance. I don't know what was going on.

When we ran through the show a few times, I kept messing up.

Sir Polunin was not too happy about it either.

"Louis?" he asked with his Ukrainian accent coming through. "Why are you dancing like this?"

I didn't answer.

"You were magnificent last night and now you are dancing like trash."

"I'm sorry Sir Polunin. I'll try harder."

"You will not try. You will do."

"Yes sir." I nodded and tried to do better but nothing was working.

He told me to take a break and I called Harry down to the studio.

"What's up?"

"I don't feel good." I said as we sat on the ground of the boys bathroom.

"Why don't you feel good?"

"I'm too hungover and I think the drugs are messing with me still."

"Well I can give you something for you to focus better?"

"Please." I begged. "I have to do good tonight or Sir Polunin will have my fucking head on a stick."

"Okay okay." Harry said and then reached into his pocket. "Here."

I got up, popped the pill he handed to me into my mouth, put my hand into a cup shape under the faucet, and then drank the water and swallowed my pill with it.

"Okay, that should do the trick." Harry said getting up. "I have to go and get ready for your show tonight."

"Alright." I nodded.

"Oh, by the way... your performance last night with Lauren made me cry."

"Really?" I laughed.

"Yeah." he nodded with rosy cheeks from embarrassment. "You danced beautifully and it was the best ballet I've ever been too. Thank you for inviting me two nights in a row."

"You're welcome." I smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed the show."

With that Harry left and I went back to class.

I did perfect once I started practicing again and I couldn't believe it. Either did my teacher. I was doing amazing.

So, not too long after that, we all went out to dinner together again, got our makeup and hair done, and then put our costumes on.

When the show started I was feeling a little off again so I took another pill that Harry gave me after he got to the auditorium.

I wanted to be focused on my dance and not mess up.

I just had one more show to complete.

I then went out when it was my time and started dancing away... perfectly.

I was hearing cheers and whistles.

Everything was amazing.

Until it got blurry.

I was trying to turn and do my jumps when my solo hit, but my eyes were not keeping up with my body.

I tried to do my moves but it was making me sick, and the lights were blinding me... I think my pupils were enlarged.

Everything was hurting.

And then I was out... right in the middle of a jump... I hit the floor... and was out cold.


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