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"Okay so let's start off with introductions." I spoke to the football team the next day.

No one spoke.

"Look we can do this the hard way or the easy way boys." Coach Beast then spoke. "Listen to Louis. He knows what he's doing."

"How about you show us what you can do before we listen to you. I don't want some amateur twink teaching me." a boy with curly blonde hair spoke.

"Fine." I huffed. "Do you want to see a perfect performance that will knock your cocks off?" I said annoyed.

"Please." Harry spoke raising an eyebrow. "Because I find you not talented and pathetic."

"You got it then." I nodded and with an eye roll, I walked to my phone that was plugged in. "Even though I'm not wearing my pointe shoes, because you losers don't have the strength to keep up with me on pointe, I can still blow your sucks off."

"Sure." Harry laughed.

"Styles." Coach Beast snapped.

"Oh it's okay coach." I said. "I'm going to shut them up. I'm going to perform the performance I put together for my audition with Juilliard." I said to her. "It's a college if you boys didn't know." I then said to the team of football players.

They all rolled their eyes at me.

I then turned on the music and then knelt down on the dance floor as all the football players sat down in front of the mirror to watch me.

(Louis' performance)

As I sat there on the floor for my finishing move I didn't hear a single word coming from anyone's mouths, so I looked up to see.

Everyone's jaws were to the floor, even the coach.

"Holy shit." the one with the lip ring said.

"Am I a joke now?" I asked getting up.

"No." I heard all of them whisper in unison.

"Now get your asses up so we can have introductions and I can learn your names."

They all got up.

"Stand in a circle around me." I said and they did in a hurry. "Okay let's start with you." I pointed to Harry. "First name, last name, and a fact about yourself with your position you play on the field. This is so I can get to know all my students."

"Harry Styles." Harry said looking not pleased. He's the only one not taking me seriously it seemed like since he was giving me a bored look. I know he's impressed though. I just know he is. "I'm the quarterback and I'm also on the baseball team."

I nodded and then looked at the boy to his right.

"Micheal Clifford." the red haired guy said next. "I play the electric guitar on my free time and I'm one of the tackles."

"Luke Hemmings and I just moved down here from Australia as a foreign exchange student. I wanted to spend my senior year as a football player in America so colleges could come and look at me. I'm one of the wide receivers." the guy with the lip piercing said.

"Same." the blonde curly haired guy said. "And the names Ashton Irwin. Luke and I came here together. We've been mates since the fifth grade."

Luke smiled and nodded at Ashton.

"I'm also the other wide receiver." Ashton added.

"I knew I heard accents." I said and then turned to the next guy.

"I'm Calum Hood and I'm the tight end. I play the guitar as well as Clifford."

I nodded and moved on to the next guy.

"I'm Bradley Simpson and I'm the other tackle. I also sing on my free time."

"I'm James McVey and I'm the center. I'm also the co captain on the baseball team with Nick Grimshaw."

"I'm Connor Ball and I'm the guard. I'm also in the drum line."

"I'm the other guard and the names Tristan Evens. I also like to skate."

"I'm Shawn Mendes." a brown haired guy said. "I'm the halfback/running back and I draw for art shows."

"Last but not least." I then said to the last guy who was blonde.

"I'm Justin Bieber and I'm the fullback/running back. I also do tattoos."

"Well nice to meet everyone." I nodded. "I'm Louis Tomlinson. I'm a professional principal dancer which is the term for a male ballerina. I just moved down here from New York, New York a little over a month ago." I then said introducing myself.

I got a bunch of nodes.

"Well are we ready to get started?" I asked.

They all nodded again.

"Well everyone get on the bar in the back to start doing warm ups." I spoke.

They all got to the bar and held the bar with one hand like I asked after they got there.

As I taught them the different leg warm ups I could see all of them struggling. I thought it was so funny because they all think that they're all big and bad, when really I could kick their asses in little things like stretching.

By the time I had them on the floor doing simple things like demi-plie's and grande plie's, they seemed too tired because 'their muscles hurt'.

I yelled for them to keep going though.

I even saw coach Beast laugh at them a few times because they were acting like babies.

"I thought you guys were suppose to be tough football players?" I would say mocking them.

It was pretty hilarious to see them struggle so much.

At the end they were all sweating like crazy. They actually all looked like Dwayne Johnson when he took ballet in his movie The Game Plan.

"Well that's it for today boys." I then called clapping my hands when I thought they had enough. "We will start on turns and jumps next week. But please practice the rest of this week on the simple placements and such. Thanks guys." I waved and then walked to coach Beast.

"You did well Tomlinson." she spoke as the guys got their stuff together.

"Thank you." I thanked with a wide smile.

"Hopefully them taking ballet will help them become closer as a team and have better coordination out on the field."

"Oh they will." I nodded.

"Oh and the dance you did earlier, that was amazing. I mean I felt a few tears. You dance so gracefully."

"Thank you Coach Beast."

"You said you're using that dance for Juilliard?" she then asked me.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Well you will surely get in." she nodded.

"You think so?"

"Oh I know so." she nodded.

"Thanks." I laughed and smiled.

"I got to go now." she said and left following all the boys out.

Well that all went great I think!


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Please like and comment! Thanks! ~Ash

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