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Today's the New Years Eve party and I'm so pumped to party with the football team again.

My birthday party was so much fun and I really felt like I've been accepted into the family. Like drinking coffee and watching Christmas movies feels like a brotherhood to me if I do say so myself.

Also Harry and I are still friends... but he hasn't brought up what happened at my party. I mean he was drugged out of his mind, so I wouldn't blame him if he didn't remember anything. Also I don't really care because it was a little awkward the way he treated me after we both finished.

But I was soon dressed and ready to go to the party, so I walked downstairs to wait for Niall to come and pick me up.

We wanted to take one car and he volunteered to drive.

"So remember to be safe Louis alright?" my mom asked as she walked in to the living room as I sat and watched reruns of George Lopez.

"I know this mom." I nodded. "I'm not going to go wild. School will be returning soon."

"Good boy." she nodded with a smile just as I heard a car horn beep.

"That's Niall." I said getting up and shutting off the t.v.

"Well, have fun and I love you." my mom said giving me a small hug and kissing my cheek.

"I love you too mom and I'll try." I waved and then left out the door and got into Niall's car.

"We are going to have so much fun man." was the first thing he said to me as he pulled out of my driveway.

"I know." I nodded with the biggest smile on my face. "I can't believe we keep getting invited to amazing parties."

"Well you are, but are just bringing me along."

"Niall-" I said turning to him. "-the guys like you."

"They do?" Niall asked with a facial expression of a seven year old going to Legoland for the first time. 

"Yeah." I nodded with a chuckle. "They really enjoy your company."

Niall just bounced in his seat with a smile on his face so I turned up the music and jammed out until we got there.

Once we arrived, we walked inside to already be met with sweat and joints.

"Well I'm going to find the team!" I shouted over the loud music.

"Alright! I'm going to the bar!"

So I nodded and then walked off to find the team, which I knew would be in the basement... and I was right.

I walked down and sat on the couches as the team watched Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve program.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I laughed.

"What do you think Tomlinson?" Justin asked.

"We are watching Katy shake her ass." Shawn pointed.

I just chuckled and watched the program.

I soon started to look around and noticed Harry wasn't here.

"Where's Styles?" I whispered to Ashton.

"I don't know?" Ash shrugged.

So I shrugged it off and watched the show until commercial.

After it reached commercial we all got up and got some drinks from upstairs. After that we all got back downstairs and I saw Harry was on the couch alone watching Miley twerking.

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