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(Please read end note. Important!)

"So you taught the football team ballet?" asked Niall as we walked to fifth together from Harrison.

"Yeah." I nodded. "They're terrible at it." I laughed.

Niall laughed too.

"Maybe you won't be harassed about being gay anymore."

"Well I might actually not be gay Niall." I said.

"What?" Niall asked.

"I kissed Harry's sister Gemma and I liked it."

"Harry has a sister?" Niall asked. "And you kissed her?"

"Yeah." I laughed and nodded.

"Well damn." Niall said not knowing what else to say I guess.

"So I think I'm bisexual."

"You sure?" Niall asked.

"Well yeah." I nodded. "I like the way her lips felt on mine and I still like men, so I'm bi now."

"Well okay then." Niall nodded. "I accept you still."

Just then Harry came up to me as we entered our fifth period class.

"I need to speak with you." he said hushed.

"Niall, can you go sit down?" I sighed.

"Yeah." He nodded. "Sure."

Niall then left and sat down.

"Come with me." Harry said and then turned to walk out in the hallway.

I followed him and waited for him to talk once we were out in the hallway.

"I don't want you near my sister anymore." Harry spoke.

"Harry let me stop you right there." I huffed. "I'm your sisters pointe ballet teacher."

"Well Mr. Hough is doing it now. I already set it up."

"What?" I asked upset.

"Oh don't tell me you had feelings for her?" Harry said raising an eyebrow at me. "Because that's not happening. Not at all Louis. You're a gay ballerina. Stop trying to be something your not."

"Maybe I am bisexual Harry. You don't know me."

"Well I've known you for a little over a month Louis and you're a girl yourself. I don't know how you can be the 'man' in the relationship if you don't even act like one."

"Wow Harry." I said rolling my eyes. "I don't understand you. Why do you think it's okay to degrade me as a man because I do ballet and am flamboyant?"

"Because you're a twinkle toe Louis. That's just who you are."

"Harry I would stop if I were you. You're sounding stupid."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are. You know for a fact yourself that ballet is more then twirls and being all pretty in tights while wearing makeup. You have to work. You have to be extremely athletic. I work out for hours a day on my legs and arms. I'm stronger then you actually."

"I doubt it."

"I can stand on my toes for hours at a time and not break a sweat. You? You can barely touch your toes without crying out in pain."

"But I'm a more real man then you are Louis. I actually lift weights. I'm on real sports teams. I only look at women."

"Just because I look at men as well makes me less of a man then you are?"

"Louis what makes you not a man is yes dating them, but also dancing around in a tutu. You're a freak Louis. A twinkle toe gay ass freak. So I don't want you around my sister anymore alright? I'm done with this conversation." He then said and walked back inside the classroom.

I can't believe he just called me a freak.

What the hell is his problem?

I then turned and left for an empty dance studio.

I don't want to do this right now. I can't sit with him for two hours straight. I can't do it.

I then went into the dance studio hallway were all of the rooms were and then saw Gemma in the hallway.

"Gemma." I called out.

She turned, smiled, and walked to me.

"Hi Louis." she spoke.

"So I'm not you're teacher anymore?"

"Yup." she said.

"And I have a feeling that we aren't going on that date anymore?"

She nodded.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because Louis, Harry means more to me then a relationship like ours would have been. You're too young and I'm a teacher here. It was fun while it lasted though." she said and then turned and left me in the hallway alone.

Wow, girls are bitches. Maybe I will just stick to men now. I don't like these moods swings. Besides I don't even find them attractive. Maybe I just liked it because it was my first?

I then walked into an empty room after my last thought and plugged in my phone to the speakers.

I guess I just need some time to relax and kick back.

I then hit play on my slow songs playlist and Stay by Rihanna came on, so I danced to that.

I let the moves flow out of me like I meant them and I danced for hours just like that. It was a zoned out place as I just let the music take over my body.

It was magical.

It was healing.

This is why dance is my safe haven.

I can dance and all my pain goes away. What Harry said hurt, but right, right at this moment, I don't feel it. It's just a memory and I'm living in the song.

I ignored Harry all week after that.

I also danced the pain away all week too.



I hope you enjoyed. Please like and comment ~Ash

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