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I could not sleep... so I sat through the whole night and watched Harry snooze away.

Don't make that weird.

Also James didn't come home last night... weird.

But soon Harry woke... around 7:00 am.

"How did you sleep?" I asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Fine." he yawned.

I just nodded and then Harry shot up.

"Why am I in your dorm room?" he asked confused.

"You were stoned to the max last night, so I offered you a place to stay."

"Oh that's so nice of you. Thank you." he said leaning back so his back could rest on the headboard.

"So where are you living right now?"

"On any park bench I can find."

"Are you homeless?" I asked in shock.

"Well my parents kicked me out of the house for being an addict. So, I'm moved in with a friend that lives near here and they ended up kicking me out too. So, yeah. I'm homeless now."

"Harry, I will not let that happen anymore."

"Where am I going to stay? You have a roommate? Plus I don't go to Juilliard."

"I can talk to James, my roommate... and Juilliard doesn't have to know."

"You would do that for me?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Well thanks." he smiled.

Just then James walked in.

"Harry?" he asked in surprise.

"Oh... this is James." Harry said getting up and then hugging him.

"Why is our plug in our room?"James then asked after the hug.

"Because this is my friend from high school. He was lonely so I invited him to stay here."

"Oh, well okay then."

"So I had something to ask you."


"So Harry's homeless at the moment and I thought he could sleep here."

"And where am I suppose to sleep?"

"Doesn't Lucky have a room for one with a queen sized bed?"

"Yeah." James nodded.

"Then I'm sure Lucky wouldn't mind if you stayed with him."

"But what about the school?"

"We won't mention that Harry's here."

"Well alright then." James nodded. "Let me go talk to Lucky."

"Thank you." I smiled.

James nodded and then left us alone.

"So how is ballerina school going?" Harry asked walking around James and I... I mean our dorm.

"It's going great. I'm loving schooling here. No one makes fun of me and everyone accepts me."

Harry sighed.

"Look, I'm sorry I treated you like that back in high school."

"You don't have to apologize."

"No. I do. I was a jerk. I shouldn't have gotten so upset that you were gay. I mean... I fuck men when I'm on acid. I think it's okay that you can do it sober."

I half smiled at that.

"I say, let the past be the past. Let's live in the now. Live for the future."

"Are you saying you want to be my friend again?"

"Hell yeah."

"Alright then. What do you wanna do?"

"I think I need to go shopping. I look like a homeless person."

"That's true. Let's go."

With that we shopped... all day... and I finally felt like I was whole. I was in college... with Harry... and I was happy.


Sorry it's so short today guys. But, please like and comment. Thank you :) ~Ash

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