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"So, what are you guys doing for Thanksgiving break?" I asked everyone as we had our final lunch together at Chilies before we all went our separate ways.

"We are going back to Jersey to be with our family." Grayson answered for Ethan and him.

"Yeah." Ethan nodded. "I really miss our sister Cam."

Grayson nodded as he took a sip of his lemonade.

"How about you Ross?" I then asked.

"My family and I are all going to London."

"That's cool!" Lucky said bumping into him.

"Yeah." he nodded. "Rocky thought it would be cool since last year we got to go to France. He wanted to see another part of the world and my mom and dad said yes."

"How many siblings do you have again?" I asked.

"You probably have more." Harry laughed.

"Well it's Rocky, Riker, Rydel, Ryland, and me."

"Five of you all starting with R's." I nodded.

"What's your family tree like then?" Ross asked.

"Well it's Lottie, Felicite, Daisy, Phoebe, Ernest, Doris, Georgia, and me."

"Damn." Ross laughed.

"I'm only one out of four." Lucky spoke next. "Daisy, Pyper, Starlie, and me."

"All girls." I nodded. "Kinda same... expect for my little nugget of a brother Ernest."

"I'm one of three." Grayson said.

"Yeah, I'm one of two." Harry said to one up. "Just me and my sister Gemma."

"You have a step brother Harry." I stepped in.

"Oh yeah... Mike." Harry laughed. "Never mind."

"I have four other siblings." Kian jumped in.

"I'm just going back home." Lucky then said. "Nothing too special. Daisy wants to bring home her new boyfriend."

"Sounds fun." Ross nodded.

"You James?" I then asked.

"Staying here. My parents are too busy."

"You can come home with us?" Ethan asked.

"Really? Your parents would allow it?"

"Yeah." Grayson and Ethan nodded together.

"What about you Lou?" JC then asked me.

"I'm going home to visit. We don't go anywhere. Just eat turkey together and watch a football game."

"How about you Harry?" Lucky asked.

"My parents kicked me out so I'll be in Louis' dorm doing nothing all break."

"I can't have you in the dorm. They do clean outs and they can't see you." I spoke.

"Update-" Harry said upset. "-a park bench is where I'll be spending the break."

"No." I then spoke shaking my head. "You'll stay with us. They know you... so it's okay."

"But the way I treated you?"

"They don't know you were involved."

"Well okay then. Are you sure it's okay?"

"It's fine."

"Well let's pay. I need to get on a plane." Ross said finishing up his meal.

Everyone then payed and went their own ways.

"So how am I going to go back down to Florida?" Harry asked me on the way back to the dorms.

"Well, my plane leaves tomorrow. I'm sure there will be a ticket for you still. We probably won't sit together though."

"That's fine."

We then got back to my dorm, and lucky enough, there was one more seat left on my flight when we went to check.

So that night Harry and I packed, I called my mom and told her I was bringing him, and then we slept before having to get up at the crack of dawn and head to the airport.


The flight wasn't that long, and soon we were in Florida.

"I can't believe we are back in Tampa." Harry said walking out into the sunshine with his suitcase.

"I can't believe it either. I'm so use to New York City... the snow. I can't believe it's so hot here."

"Well come on Louis. Our taxi is here."

We then put our stuff away, got in, and told him to drive to Lakeland.

Harry and I mostly slept on the car ride there, but then we awoke when the taxi pulled into my drive way.

We then got our things and headed into my house.

We were greeted with hugs and kisses for what seemed like hours... but we finally got to head to my room and put our stuff away...

Yeah... Harry has to sleep in my room... one bed... with me.


After we unpacked, I headed back downstairs to talk to my mom.

"Hey mom." I smiled as I hugged her again.

"How are you Louis? Have you been doing good?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm great mom. How are you?"

"Just great." she nodded. "Everyone is doing good. It was a little hard when you and Lottie left. But everyone has moved on and got their lives back on track."

"That's just what I wanted to hear." I smiled. "I don't want you guys hung up on me."

"So how's ballet class?"

"I'm third in my class."

"That's wonderful darling."

"Yeah." I nodded. "I got to have the only freshman solo in the Halloween show I mentioned to you."

"Oh! That's fantastic! I really wish I could have seen it." she then frowned at the last part.

"Harry took a video."

"Can I see?"

"Harry!" I called to him from the kitchen.

"What's up?" he asked walking in a few minutes later.

"Mom wants to see my performance from Halloween."

Harry pulled out his phone and showed her.

"Oh my lord Louis." mom said looking up at me with tears after the video finished.

"Oh mom." I chuckled. "Don't cry."

"I can't help it." she chuckled wiping her tears off of her face. "My baby boy is all grown up and doing what he loves. I'm so proud of you Louis."

"Thanks mom." I smiled and hugged her tight.

"I love you Lou."

"I love you too mom."


Happy early V-Day!!!

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