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"Are you nervous?" Niall asked me back stage of my audition.

"Am I nervous?" I asked back. "Of course I'm fucking nervous."

"Well I was just asking."

"I know I know." I nodded.

"So what are you dancing to?"

"It's a surprise."

"That's what everyone answers when I ask."

"Well all I've been telling is that it's something different from what I usually do, even though I'm going in for ballet."

"Woe, that's a bold choice."

"I know it is." I nodded. "But this is the way that I'm going to get into Juilliard... by taking risks."

"And who told you that?"

"The football team... and Harry."

"You are going to listen to the football team?"

"Well they said that me doing anything that's not ballet is a lot less boring."

"Well boring is something judges can live with. But if you screw up on technique... that's a whole other story."

"I'm not going to mess up on my moves. I'm a trained dancer Niall. Show a little bit more faith in me bud."

"You're right. I'm sorry." He sighed. "I'm just nervous for you is all."

"I know. Everyone is nervous. But I've got this. I know that I do. It's an emotional piece for me. It gave me chills the first time I listened to the song and when I dance it... shit do I feel free and so wrapped up in the moment."

"Well then, I believe in you."

"Louis Tomlinson is on deck!" I heard a crew member shout.

"You got this." Niall said hugging me.

"Thanks Niall." I said letting go and then I walked to the stage door to wait for someone to tell me when to go on stage.

The next five minutes I waited for the person before me to finish up... time stood still... like it didn't want to tick on. Those five minutes felt like five years.

All I could do was look at the ground and study the cracks and lines in the stage's floor. Something so boring... yet so relaxing for me to look at.

But then the five years were over and a crew member behind stage told me to go on stage.

It was my turn.

I walked onto the stage and then turned my way to the crowd.

The minute my eyes hit the stage lights... a thunderous applause sounded through the room and I hadn't even started my number yet.

Maybe because I was the only boy trying out for dance today.

"Hello." the first judge spoke through her microphone. "Please say your name and age."

"I'm Louis Tomlinson. I'm eighteen."

"What type of style are you dancing today?"

"I'm dancing a mix in style, but I want to be a principal dancer."

"Interesting choice." another, male, judge spoke.

"I thought so." I nodded.

"Well, began your dance." the third spoke.

I nodded and then walked to the middle of the floor, curtain falling down so the crowd was blocked.

I started to breath faster as my heart beat harder.

I was waiting for the music to play and my body was waiting to throw down.

Suddenly my name was announced again and people cheered as the curtain rose.

Here goes nothing.

(Louis' performance)

When I was done I waited for what seemed to be an eternity... but then the thunderous claps turned into cracking, whipping, and booming. Like a tornado was flying through the arena.

I was wonderstruck.

I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed and I couldn't help my cry a little as I heard the claps.

The lights then lowered and as it did, just in the dusk before the lights went completely out in the audience again, I saw Harry get up and leave.

"Thank you Louis." the male judge spoke. "You'll know at the end of the show."

"Thank you." I nodded, walked off stage, and then ran out to find Harry.

When I saw him I called out to him, "Harry!"

But he walked faster.

"Harry, what's wrong!"

Harry stopped and turned to face me.

"What's wrong? You're asking what's wrong?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "What happened? Why did you leave?"

"Why did you want me to watch that dance Louis?"

"Because it was my audition?"

"No." he said shaking his head. "Because you wanted to send me a message about us being together so it could finally snap and I could finally fall for you."

"That's not-"

"Not what? True? Well that's a damn lie! You want me so bad, I know you do. But I've got news for you Louis. I don't want you!"

My heart stopped beating.

"You want nothing of me?"

"That's right Louis. I don't even want a friendship with you anymore. I don't want you going after me. I don't want you."

"What about the kiss? Or the jacking off? The many conversations at the hospital? Or you even telling me why you were in the hospital?"

"I only did the last two things because I thought you were becoming a real friend. Not some fake ass friend that only has to hang out with me to keep your record up at the school."

I didn't say anything.

"And the kiss and the jacking off... that was because I was on drugs. Did we not clear this up already?"

"You're such an ass Harry."

"No." he said shaking his head. "You're the ass for making me sit through that performance."

With that, Harry walked off.

I wiped my tears off, and then went back inside to see if I made it.

I walked to the hallway to go and look at the list, but Niall came running to me with a smile and tears.

"You made it Louis! I looked at the list! You made it!"


I hope you enjoyed! Please like and comment :) ~Ash

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