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"I think that's it for today class." Mr. Hough, who I found out is Ms. Hough's brother not husband, said after we finished our final eight count to our dance. "You may all change and go home."

Everyone broke away to the locker rooms but I went up to Mr. Hough.

"Mr. Hough?" I asked walking up to him.

Mr. Hough turned around and smiled when he saw it was me.

"Yes, Louis? What can I do for you?"

"Can I stay in the studio for free period?" I asked. "I really need to spend some extra time on my dancing."

"Oh yeah." Mr. Hough nodded. "That's great that you want to do that."

"How so?" I asked.

"Well I wish all my students could be like you. I mean we only get an hour to dance in here. It's great that you want to spend more time in here to practice and become even more superb. You're a really outstanding student. You've only been here for what?-" he asked leaving it out in the open.

"-For a month." I answered finishing his sentance.

"Exactly." my dance teacher nodded. "You've only been here for a month and you're already my favorite student. I've spoken to Ms. Hough and Mr. Marshall and they agree with me. You're incredible. We've already been talking about setting you up with a senior Juilliard audition at the end of the year."

"Wait are you serious?" I asked stunned. "You guys already believe in me?"

"Oh we believe in you. We're all voting for the Tommo."

"The Tommo?" I asked.

"Oh, pardon me." Mr. Hough laughed. "Some of the students say that."

"Oh no, it's cool." I said laughing as well. "I like it. It makes me sound less gay." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"Well, you'll have to keep up your skills though." Mr. Hough said suddenly getting serious. "No slacking off alright? Just because we are looking into it doesn't mean you get special treatment."

"Oh yes sir." I nodded. "I won't slack. I'm in for the win."

"Which I'm sure you'll achieve." Mr. Hough smiled. "Well I'll let you get at it then kiddo. Have fun and don't strain anything alright?"

"Alright." I laughed. "I'm all stretched out from class."

"Good." he nodded with a smile and then walked to the dance studios door. "I'll be back in an hour." he said, and with that he walked out of the class and was gone.

I walked over to the hook up and put my phone into it.

I pressed play and Stone Cold by Demi Lovato started playing through the speakers after I hit shuffle.

"Oh I love this song." I whispered to myself.

I then walked over to the mirror and started to stretch a little bit.

After that I started to practice on my turns.

I needed to practice on my pirouette's and pique pirouette's. I've started to loose my balance a little bit when I hit spin six.

I also needed to work on my leg placing and landing for my grande jete.

As I skipped into my grande jete and was in mid air the door to the studio opened so I closed my legs down and landed in a demi-plie.

I got out of the position and turned to the door to see a girl who looked only a few years older then me.

"Hello?" I asked.

Ballerina BoyWhere stories live. Discover now