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The last month of my senior year in school was horrid.

Harry seemed to vanish and Nick had me walking on nails around him.

I was a scared little gay boy, waiting to graduate and go to Juilliard.

"So Tomlinson-" Ashton spoke putting his arm around my shoulders. "It's the last week of school. Are you gonna party it down at Bieber's place?"

"He's throwing a party?"

"Of course he is! Every single day this week! It's our last week as seniors ever. Our last week in high school ever. Well unless if your that sad Tribbiani kid. He's gonna be a super senior."

"Really? Joey?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Well, yeah." I nodded. "I'll come to a few of Justin's parties."

"You're coming tonight though."

"Alright alright." I nodded with a chuckle.

He then let me go and I finished my day with no problems.

So I then took myself home, cleaned up, and got ready for tonight.

I got into my car around 7:30 and then arrived into the smoke infested house party hosted by Justin.

I walked down to the basement where I knew everyone but Harry would be... and I was right.

"Tomlinson!" everyone shouted.

I said my hellos and then sat down on the sofas.

"So how are you?" Shawn asked sitting next to me.

"I'm great." I smiled. "Today's actually not been bad at all."

"Well that's fantastic."

"How about you Mendes? Has today been well for you?"

"Oh yeah." He nodded. "We were training all the new guys for next years football team today. They were all doing pretty well."

"That's good." I nodded.

"So!" I then heard Justin yell. "Who wants to play drunk truth or dare?"

Everyone shouted a yes and then we all got into a circle.

"I thought since Styles is no where to be seen, why not invite Grimshaw in for a game or two." Justin then said and in walked Nick.

My eyes went wide and I was about to get up and leave, but then the game started.

"I'll start with you first Hemmings." Justin spoke.

"Go for it." he nodded. "Dare."

"I dare you to run down the street naked and yell that your dick was chopped off."

"Easy." Luke laughed.

We all went into Justin's backyard and watched Luke do just that.

We all laughed and the game went on a little longer before Tristan asked Nick, "Truth or dare?"

Nick said, "Truth." and I froze in place.

"Is it true that you ate out Taylor?"

I let myself breath thanking the lord that he didn't ask about the fight that happened a few months ago between him and I."

"Hell yeah." he nodded.

Everyone laughed and cheered.

Then I heard the worst.

"Louis, truth or dare?"

I looked to Nick and knew I could not say truth because he'll ask if I'm gay. But if I say dare then he might dare me to show my online history or texts or something. Fuck.

"Dare." I then said being brave.

"Kiss me." was all he said.

I froze.

He wasn't serious?

"Kiss me Louis." he repeated. "I dare you to kiss me."

"No dude." I said shaking my head trying to be manly.

"Come on." Micheal spoke. "The first truth or dare you were at here there was a gay kiss. Just do it."

"But it's wrong."

"And there you go boys. I told you Louis was gay." Nick said crossing his arms over his chest. "I told you I'd show you proof."

"How is that proof?" I asked.

"Because a straight male would get very uncomfortable and mad."

"I am both of those!"

"But a gay man would get uncomfortable, mad, and he'd blush."

"I'm not blushing!"

"Tell that to your red cheeks!"

I covered my cheeks with my hands.

"So you are gay?" Brad asked looking at me in disgust.

"I'm not gay guys!"

"So who wants to learn about our fight from a few months ago?"

"We do." they all spoke.

"So Harry beat the crap out of him during Halloween because I told him too. Louis was gay and creeping up on him, me, and all of you. He's a little gay boy that's a perv. All gays are pervs and out to get us."

"You're disgusting!" I heard Calum yell and move away from me.

"Guys i'm not like that!"

"All gays are!" Connor yelled.

"But guys!"

Just then they all ganged up on me and started trowing their fists in my face.

I tried to run away but nothing could stop.

Every punch was bruising my skin, but also my dignity.

I thought these guys were my friends.

But with every blow to the stomach, I knew Harry was right.

They're fake and will do anything to get to the top.

They never wanted to be my friend.

If they did, then they would have excepted me.


Happy Holidays!

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