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"Are you guys as excited about this party like me or what?" I asked excited to Lottie and Niall as they sat on my bed.

"Not really." Lottie said with a bored expression shaking her head. "No."

"What? Why?" I asked confused.

"Because parties aren't my thing Lou."

"No, it's just because you've never gone to see what they are really like. I'm sure you'll love it once we go."

"Yeah come on Lottie." Niall said squeezing her thigh. "I'm excited."

"Thank you Niall." I nodded with a smile.

Okay here's the thing, Niall and Lottie aren't really dating each other but, they are kinda a thing. I think they've even fucked... allegedly.

"Okay fine." Lottie huffed as she rolled her eyes. "I'll go if you're going Niall."

"Then you're going." Niall said and kissed her cheek quickly.

I smiled at that and clapped my hands as I stood up.

"Well let's get ready then for the crazy party at Justin's house."

Everyone nodded and left to go do their thing.

I took a quick shower and you know... got dolled up and all.

I then dressed in tight black jeans, a tight floral v neck, and black vans. I also put on a floral snap back that exactly matched my shirt. I looked hot... and straight... again.

I then went downstairs and saw that Niall and Lottie were ready.

Niall was dressed in blue tight fitting jeans, a button down shirt that was buttoned down to the middle of his peck line, and he had on black boots.

Lottie was dressed in a tight fitting dress with her Adidas sneakers on as her hair was in the Belle style. That's half up, half down, but your half up is in a bun and not a pony.

I taught her well.

We then all piled into my car and headed for the raging house party at Justin's.

When we got there my jaw dropped to the ground.

He's house was huge and there were so many people there.

I parked the car and we all got out. We walked in together and then walked into weed, smoke, sex, and sweat.

"This is awful." Lottie said as she looked around.

"Tommo!" I heard people scream from all ends of the house.

"Have fun." I smiled and patted her on the back.

She rolled her eyes and dragged Niall by the hand to somewhere in the house.

"You made it." Justin said coming up to me with Shawn behind him.

"Yeah." I nodded smiling. "I told you I would come."

"Did you bring friends?"

"Yeah. My twin Lottie and my friend Niall. They went their own way though." I shrugged.

"Oh that's cool." he shrugged. "Come hang with the team. We are all down in the basement. I just came up here to get a few more bottles of vodka and rum for us."

"Okay." I said and then followed them downstairs.

When we arrived all the football players cheered when they saw me.

I said hello and then sat down across from Harry since everyone was sat in a circle on the floor.

"So who's ready for traditional party game night?" Micheal asked.

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