Chapter 1- A Peaceful Night

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It was a quite night. The full moons light passed though the water and shined though my window, like it was trying to reach out to me, trying to warn me about something. It was peaceful, calming just the way I like it. So why can't I sleep?
I sighed in annoyance as I turned over on my futon. Why can't I get to sleep?
Somethings bugging me. Like a mosquito that flys around your head but you just can't catch it.

I couldn't take it any more. I needed to go for a walk and get some fresh air. I lifted the covers, cool air touching swiftly moving past my feet making me shiver. Lighting a candle I slide the delicate paper screen to my left, the screen making a soft sliding noise as it slide across the track.

I slowly crept down the hallway, each step creaking under the weight of my foot. Passing my mothers and fathers room, I listened for their breathing. But something was wrong. I only heard my mothers breathing patten. My fathers heavy breathing patten wasn't there.

"Mother?" I said my voice noticeably holding panic back as I spoke. My mother opened her deep purple eyes tiredly. Their was a flicker of worry deep in her eyes as she blinked.
"Where's father?" My voice still slightly shaking with panic.
"There was a disturbance. Something penetrated the air field." She said smiling, the worry disappearing in her eyes."He'll be back soon. Everything's alright. Now go back to sleep my little jellyfish."
"Good night. Sorry for disturbing you." I replied smiling
I turned around and closed the screen behind me.
I always loved it when mother and father called me that.


"Father? Can I go to the surface with you? I want to see it. Please father. Pretty, pretty please!" I asked, giggling while I jumped up and down.
"No, my little jellyfish, you can't."
"Why not?" I whined, stamping my foot in frustration.
"Because, the surface is dangerous."
"Then why can you go?" Curiosity taking me over.
"Because, I have a meeting with the water Kami about purifying the miasma infected water near the nether gate." He replied smiling "Now go find your mother."
"Okay father." I replied sadly, trying to get him to reconsider.

-Le time skip (Because walking down a hall is boring)-

"Yes my little jellyfish?" My mother questioned, Worry filling her eyes.
"Fathers going up to the surface!"
"Yes, I know" She replied as she started to kneel, Worry leaving her purple eyes.
"So why can't I?"
"Because, the surface is dangerous."
I pouted. Father had said the exact same thing.
Seeing my face, my mother laughed. She grabbed my arm and brought me closer, Holding me against her chest.

"You've always been like this."
"You've always wanted to explore. After exploring the castle, you explored the court yard and after that, the village. Your like a jellyfish and life is your water current, You go where ever life takes you.

-End FlashBack-

I started to head back to my room.
Suddenly, A loud CRASH broke though silence, followed by the familiar "slug, slug" of the sea slugs getting ready to attack.

Panicked, I ran up the hall to towards my room. I could hear the crackling of fire coming from down stairs. I started to slide the screen to my room open when my fathers screams filled the air.

"Father!" I screamed.
Grabbing my katana off the wall, I ran down the hallway towards the entrance hall. As I approached the screen, hearing a mean chuckle coming from the other side of the screen.


So, I have just finished my first chapter I've ever written on Wattpad!
Sorry if the story went to fast. I didn't really know what to write to stretch out the chapter.

(652 Words in this chapter in case you were wondering)

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