Chapter 35- Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Whimey

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"How far do you want to go back?"
"I want to see Tomoe before he met someone."
"I'm not allowed to say."
"Very well then."
I walked into my room and sat on my futon.

"How does it work?"
"Breath in the incense, then think of the desired time. Your sole will be transported into the body of the person that will see him next. You will have complete control of the body till you come back. To them, they just blacked out." I nodded as Mizuki lit the burner and a smell filled the air. Like a camp fire.

I blacked out.

-Timeskip (Literally)-

"Huh? It's raining." I must be in the past. I had long brown hair like Nanamis and wore a cream and red kimono. There was a heavy bag on my back. Who ever owned this body must be a merchant.

"Hello is some one there?" There was a sob. "Please. Someone help." I looked behind a shrub to see a young boy in a torn rags laying in the mud. There were grazes all over his body. "It hurts."
"What happened?" I knelt down and rested his head on my shoulders.
"You can't go back there. We where attacked by some yokai. They killed everyone. I just managed to escape." Yokai? "Akura- Ou is looking for you. I can't believe he hasn't found you already." No. Akura- Ou is a powerful yokai with regeneration properties. Even as a yokai I would stand no chance.
"Come. Let's find a place to wait oh the rain." I picked him up, causing him to whimper in pain. "Sorry."

I ran along the muddy path till I found a old house. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I asked as I pecked though the door. No one. I placed the boy on the ground and tried to do what I could to clean his wounds. "Lucky this place is empty. The rain just got heavier."
"I'm more lucky I think. Who'd have guessed that you where just out of the village working in the fields." He smirked at what he said. Miasma started to fill the air. He's a yokai. How could I be so stupid! "Such a fine virgin. There is no way Lord Akura- Ou would pass over something like you." His voice turned deep and grainy.

Suddenly, a green, muscly arm grabbed me by the neck and forced me onto the ground
"He always takes any pray of value away from us you know? And don't worry about Akura- Ou. I will devour you long before he gets here."
"Let me go." I managed to say under the strength of his hand. I tightly griped his wrist in panic.

A gurgling noise was heard as he stuck out his long, lizard like tongue and licked my cheek.
"Delicious." He gurgled before a brilliant blue flame engulfed him. "Master Tomoe, I..." he burnt to ashes. That was fox fire. I scrambled to my feet and backed away from the approaching fox. I've never been this scared of Tomoe.

"Trash always does burn well." He looked up at me. "A village girl." He smirked and reached out, grabbing onto my kimono. "It is true, you are such a fine specimen."
"Tomoe?" I whispered shocked. This can't be him.
His ears twitched at my voice, he then torn a bit of the kimono I was wearing off, but not much.

"Lovely voice." Still smirking, he grabbed my chin and pushed it upwards, forcing me to look into the harsh, unforgiving eyes of this Tomoe. I hated it. "Cry out human." This isn't him. I refused to believe it, yet. It was him. His finger gently touched my lip and taking my chance, I bit it hard enough to make him pull away in shock.
I stepped away and crossed my arms.

"I'm not human, even though it may see like I am. But enough of me. Tell me, who are you?" He placed his lift hand on the wall next to my head and stepped closer, forcing me to back into the wall. He opened his mouth to say something when another voice called out.
"Tomoe?" Reacting quickly, Tomoe slide open the screen next to me and pushed me inside, making me trip over and land on the rotting floor.

"Tomoe. You disappear on me for what? A run down shrine in the woods."
"It started to rain and I did not wish to get wet." There was a light thump as Tomoe lent against the rotting wall. The smell of smoke filled the air so I presumed that one of them was smoking.
"I came here because I heard there was a beauty here, but all I got was some old hags and ugly women. They even got away from me. I supposed she must have slipped away with them."
"You mean a little girl gave you the slid. You are losing your touch Akura- Ou." Akura- Ou? The yokai that is after this girl who's body I've borrowed.
"I don't suppose you've seen her in the area have you? That call her Yukiji." So that's the girls name. Yukiji. It sounds so familiar. Like I've heard it somewhere before...
" I don't think so." Now was my time to escape. I silently got up on my hands and knees and looked around. There was a jolly great big hole in the wall.
I crawled though and started to run.

Yukiji is the name of Tomoes human love interest. This was suppose to be how they first met. But, if Im time traveling, which I am, then wouldn't that mean that Yukijis and Tomoes first meeting was actually Tomoes first time meeting me and not Yukiji because technically Yukiji was never here in the first place? Times so confusing and even more confusing to explain.

The rain grew heavier yet but I kept on running. I was about to leave this body. I could feel soul being pulled out as my time was almost up. I had to get Yukiji as far away from Tomoe and Akura- Ou as possible.
My vision started to fade out. I sat my back against a tree as I felt my control over this body slipped.

Everything went black.


I mentally faced palmed myself when I named this chapter. Oh Doctor who, how I love you in all of your time travelling weirdness.

Thanks for Reading.

(1076 Words)

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