Chapter 29- Saved

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"Get off me." I struggled against his grip but it proved pointless. "TOMOE!"

Suddenly the door burst into a brilliant blue flame and was kicked in.
The dust cleared, reliving Tomoe. He was engulfed in fire and held fox fires in both hands.
"You dare take Kaiyō with out her consent first. Get ready to pay severely for what you have done!"
"Tomoe!" My eyes stared to fill up with tears. "You found me."
"Get away from her!" He launched a fox fire at Mizuki. Reacting quickly, I took cover in the corner of the room.
"Kaiyō!" He ran towards me and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I immediately felt safe. "I found you, thank goodness." I started to cry.
"Took you long enough." I managed to say as I clutched onto his kimono and buried my head into his shoulder. "I missed you."
"I missed you to."

"I must say, I'm impressed. I never imagined you would find this place and your still as ill mannered as ever Tomoe." He summoned water and sent it in every direction of the room, putting out the flames. "Trying to burn down a water god shrine? Your even stupider then I thought. Well I guess you are a former fox. You do realise you used to be a yokai and I'm a divine familiar. Ordinarily, your kind wouldn't even be allowed to speak with me."

"A water god shrine. You sure about that? I know that this is an artificial space that upyou made so you could play at being a familiar. And now former divine familiar, the time has come for you to pay for stealing the woman I love!" WHAT DID HE JUST SAY!? Tomoe launched a fox fire, setting the whole shrine on fire."
"Extinguish!" Mizuki shouted, summoning a great deal of water, but it failed.
"It is no use. My fox fire is already busy eating up every bit of the shrine. If you never gave me a reason the find you would still have your shrine, Loss one. I'm going to be taking Kaiyō back with me so I guess you lost your bride, Loss two. Loss three with be your life.
"Tomoe? Can't we just leave? I don't want to kill him." But Tomoe ignored me.

"Master Mizuki, our house is on fire!" Crap those brats are back.
Mizuki fled outside. Tomoe picked me up, sitting me on his arm and followed. Mizuki was kneeling underneath he plum tree.
"I see. So this tree has served as your corner stone. The shrine and everything else was originally placed to keep it safe."
"Your right, this is all I have now. Lady Yonomoris tree. It the most precious thing I own because she loved it. Can you understand? As a fellow familiar."
"Believe me I understand completely, so much that it hurts. Which is why I have no problem burning it to ashes like to shrine that's been protecting it for all these years."
"No please, don't!"

"Tomoe. That's enough. Please." I slipped out of Tomoe grasp and walked over to Mizuki who was no crying on the ground. "I understand." I crouched down and placed my hand on Mizukis shoulder. Before Mikage left, we planted two willow trees behind the shrine. For twenty years know I have be nurturing them and sometimes I still see a blue butterfly flying past them. So yeah, I guess I'll be leaving now but I'll tell you what, if you ever feel lonely, I'll be happy to come and visit both you and the plum blossoms. That's a promise." I smiled and walked over to Tomoe. "Let's go." I whispered. Tomoe picked me up and rocketed towards the surface.

When we reached the surface Tomoe placed me on the ground.
"Thanks." There was warmth as Tomoe wrapped me in a hug. I clutched his kimono and nuzzled in to his shoulder.
"Don't do that to me again."
"I'll try not to."  We both let go and started walking home. "Tomoe?" He looked me questionably. "What you said deform you tried to burnt down the shrine, did you mean it?"
He froze. "I was hoping you didn't hear that." He blushed lightly.
"Well I did and, well... I feel the same way." I grasped his hand and looked into his soft violet eyes and blushed. Tomoe grabbed my other hand and crashed his lips into mine. I freaked out a little bit at first but quickly got over it. I wrapped my arms around his neck being pulled deeper into the moment. We cut it off and pulled away. Embarrassed, I looked away blushing deeply.

"Let's get going, Nanamis probably worried." I said, stroking my fringe behind my ear.
I took his clawed hand and lead him back to the shrine.


This was short but after the last chapter I decided on a short chapter. Hope you liked it. It's my first time writing anything like this. BTW, the god gets kidnapped is probably my most favourite episode of Kamisama Kiss, first season anyway. Just wanted to tell you guys.

Thanks for reading

(834 Words)

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