Chapter 13- Familiars With Out a Master

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I told you this was going to be interesting.

-300 Year Time Skip-

"I'm going into town Tomoe and Kaiyō. Make sure to hold down the fort till I get back." Mikage said as we walked out the front door. We was carrying a briefcase in his right hand. He never took a briefcase with him, no matter where he went. I knew something was wrong, but I did nothing.
They were the last words I heard from my master.

My eyes shot open, only to be blinded by the early morning sun. That was the last time I saw Mikage. I missed him deeply but didn't know if I would ever see him again. I sighed is I got up to get ready for the day. I got into my favourite red kimono, did my hair up into a bun and stuck a red hair clip into it.

 I got into my favourite red kimono, did my hair up into a bun and stuck a red hair clip into it

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Suddenly, there was a voice in my head. It was a worshipper.
'Sorry, but it will be a long time before your wish dips granted.'
I entered the prayer room and saw Tomoe recording the women's prayer. Over the years Tomoe has learnt how to listen for the prayers and now, he can hear them as well as Mikage could. The women left and Tomoe stood up.

"How are you?" I asked the arctic fox.
"I'm fine, I guess."
"He will come back. He promised."
"It's been 20 years Kaiyō! 20 years!" He punched the wall, making I giant hole.
"I know." I hugged him and he put his arms around me. "I know it's been hard, but we have to trust him." We let each other go and looked into each other's eyes for a second but quickly looked away from each other, light pink dusted our cheeks.
I quickly shrugged it off.
"Now." I smiled at him. "You caused this, you fix it." I motioned to the hole in the wall.

I left the fox to it and started to think about what to do. We didn't need to eat food as much as Mikage did, so we didn't need another meal till tomorrow. I could clean the shrine but that would be pointless as, there is no Kami living here and there for no divine energy to keep the miasma away from the shrine. Miasma is negative energy that leaks out of the nether and is also given of by fallen gods and angry humans and since a giant city has been built close the our shrine, the miasma may not be thick, but is still prevalent.

I found myself outside.  It was a pleasant day. There was a soft breeze blowing from the east and the sun was at its peak in the sky. Midday. Ever since Mikage left, I have been sleeping in till about eleven as I find no need to wake up till then. I might just go back home. It's only been 500 or so years but I know my parents miss me. I've enjoyed every moment of my life on the surface that I haven't even stopped to consider home.
Do I miss it? Do I miss the life style? Do I miss my parents?
No, No and Yes.
Do I miss them enough to go back?
Maybe, but not right now. It only been 500 years after all.
I sighed and went back inside. I might help Tomoe clean up his mess. Might.

-Time Skip-

Tomoe had finished patching the hole in the wall and I got to say, he did I pretty good job. I looked outside to see the sun setting behind the trees, making way for the darkness of the night sky to seep though. It was a beautiful site.

"What are you doing?" Tomoe was leaning in the door way.
"Thinking, you should try it sometime."
"Is that meant to be insulting?" He approached me and wrapped his harms around me.
"Maybe." He's arms were so warm and gentle in their grip.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm thinking. You said I should try it sometime." He rested his head on top of mine.
"No. Why are you hugging me." I watched as light pink dust covered he's cheeks as he realised what he was doing. He quickly let go.
"Gomen." He swiftly left the room.
I giggled at his actions. He was cute when he tried to act emotionless. Wait...What am I thinking. Oh, please don't tell me I'm falling for the fox.

Suddenly, there was a shout coming from out side.

-Tomoes POV-

"What are you doing." Kaiyō turned away from the window she was staring out of and looked at me.
"Thinking, You should try it sometime." She looked beautiful with the soft sunlight shining on her long lavender hair. I started to move closer and wrapped my arms around her thin waist.
"What are you doing?" It was my turn to be the smart aleck.
"I'm thinking. You said I should try it sometime." I rested my chin on top of her head.
"No. Why are you hugging me?" I quickly realised what I was doing and let go, embarrassed.
"Gomen." I quickly left the room.
I heard giggling coming from behind me. She's so cute when she laughs. Why was I thinking this. Do I like her? No, that's not possible.

There was a sudden yell that came from outside.

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