Chapter 4- A Mysterious Girl Named Nanami

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Shiki= The species of Mizukis snake. It's a creature that you summon and you can use it for transportation and protection.


He summoned his cart and flew away. The young girl stumbled after him calling his name.

"Silly human. You can't chase after him on foot." I smirked
The human stopped and looked at me. Her eyes. Why does it feel like she knows me. It has to be my imagination. Doesn't it?
"Kaiyō?" She whispered.
"How do you know my name?!" I demand.
"Um..." She seemed shocked. She hesitated a little. "It's a long story and I can't tell you it just yet."

"Nanami!" I heard a yell behind me.
I turned around to see a figure running towards us. It was a male white snake yokai. He had greenish/white hair and piercing green eyes.
"What are you doing? If we don't hurry up we're going to lose Tomoe."

The boy summoned a beautiful white snake and jumped on it. The human girl then jumped on the back of the snake to.

These to are very odd. I've never heard of humans and yokai getting along like they do.

"Wait, can I come to?"
"Why?" The girl asked
"Because the fox stole something of my fathers and I need to get it back. At the very least find out why the fox wanted it in the first place."
"Sure!" The human replied cheerfully.
"What!" The snaked snapped.
"We don't have time for this Mizuki."
"Very we'll. Get on." He seemed very reluctant for some reason.

"Yay! Thanks!" I jumped on the white, scaled back of the snake and we started to rise up into the night sky.

-Nanamis POV-

"So what do you think he wants with the eye?" I whispered into Mizukis ear, so that Kaiyō couldn't hear us. I still couldn't believe we ran in to her here. It seemed like it was her first time meeting Tomoe. Could I have just witnessed their first time meeting each other? It was very likely, but I wouldn't know. There both very secretive about there past.
"Maybe he's on the way to a party and he's bring the dragon kings eye as a side dish." Mizuki wispered back.
"Yeah...I don't think that's it."

-Small Time Skip-
-Kaiyōs POV-

"There he is!" Nanami shouted, pointing at a purple, glowing blob in the distance.
"I see him!" Mizuki shouted back.
Instantly, we sped up, the blob quickly coming into focus.

I the distance we could see a faint light coming from a house.
The cart started to lower. He was landing!

We landed softly outside the house, making sure no one heard us. We snuck up to the door and listened quietly to the silent talking coming from inside.

I recognised Tomoes voice, yet, it was different. It was soft and caring with a hint of worry.
"I smell the salt. Did you really go to the beach to find medicine?"
The voice belonged to a female. She was weak. He voice was very soft and you could hear her breathing. Her breaths were slow and raspy.
I peeked though the crack between the paper screen and door frame. There, in Tomoes arms, was a pale, brown haired girl. The girl looked a lot like Nanami. She had her eyes closed and was resting her head on Tomoes left sholder. The kitsune was placed the eye into her hand. He had placed his head on her head and was holding her shoulder, like he wanted to hug her but was to afraid that she would shatter at any such movements.He clearly loved her. Then it hit me. She was dying. She was dying and Tomoe loved her so much that he stole my fathers eye to heal her.
I could feel my eyes welling up with tears. To think that I attacked him just because he wanted medicine for his loved one. Sure, he did attack my father to get it, but still. It was touching.

-Nanamis POV-

While Kaiyō was listening to Tomoe speak to the girl I assumed was Yukiji. Mizuki called me over to him.
"What were you thinking, inviting Kaiyō on to my shiki. She's to smart. She will find out that we are time traveling and then who knows what would happen!"
"I don't know. I guess I was excited to see Kaiyō. She never tells me about her past, so I thought it would be interesting to find out."
"How many times so I have to tell you, this is the past Kaiyō Nanami. She has no memory of us, yet. Same goes for Tomoe."
"I know. I'm...I'm sorry Mizuki, I don't know what I was thinking."
"It's alright. What's done is done, Right?"

-Kaiyōs POV-

"Yes, I did."
Tomoes reply shaped me out of my thoughts.
"It's to big to swallow on its own. I'll go get some water."
He stood up gently and walked over to the screen. We all jumped around the corner, hiding from him.
"I'll be back soon"
Closing the screen behind him, Tomoe walked over to his burning cart and flew of towards the direction of I assumed was a nearby town.

Behind us, we heard the soft noise of the woman collapsing onto the floor.
"Nows your chance Nanami!" Mizuki whispered into Nanamis ear.
Nanami nodded slowly, making her way to the sick girl. I hope she makes the right decision. She took the eye out of the sick girls hand.

"Here eat this!" Nanami offered the girl the eye.
"What are you doing. We need that eye to save Tomoes life, or have you forgotten why we traveled here in the first place?" Mizuki questioned a now conflicted Nanami.
"No I haven't forgotten...but I can't let someone die right in front of me!"
And with that Nanami put the eye In Yukijis mouth, making her swallow. She seemed to get better instantly.

Mizuki seemed shocked at Nanamis words, but I was still stuck on what the snake said. They need the eye to save Tomoes life? We just saw him, and he looked healthy. Wait a minute!

"So that's it?!"
Both looked at me with questioning looks.
"Your time travers aren't you?"
"Well..." Nanami replied
"See! I knew it!"
"Um...Well...You see..."
"You don't have to explain. I don't what my future ruined for me. I assume we know each other in the future. That's why you know my name."
"Um..."Nanami was speechless.
"What did you expect Nanami. She's to smart. I told you this would happen." Mizuki bragged.

"Speaking of which. Times up." Mizuki announced. Suddenly the two of them started to float, a light engulfing them both.


This is by far my longest chapter with over 1100 words! I'm so proud of myself.

Don't forget vote and comment. (I only wanted to write that to make fun of a typical youtuber sign off) But seriously tell me what you think of it. I'm a little nervous because I have only ever written short stories for English at school. Granted, I did an A but I don't know how good I am at writing.
Anyway thanks for reading!

(1204 Words)

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