Chapter 27- Kidnapped

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I promise to protect her, even if it kills me.


-Kaiyō's POV-

"What are you wearing?" I had just entered the kitchen ready for breakfast, when I saw Tomoe wearing the school uniform.
"I could ask you the same question."
"I told you. I'm not letting anyone take you, so I will be accompanying you and Nanami to school."
Well this can't be good.


"Are you sure you can pull this whole student thing off?" I questioned.
"Positive. I read the entire booklet last night." I looked at the book in his hands.
Beverly Hills high school diaries.It was a teen fiction drama about teenaged life. Not very accurate.
"If you don't want to be here I'm sure I can handle a snake."
"Correction. This is a white snake. They are known to be more territorial and powerful then other snake yokai. Even with my thousands of years training it will be somewhat difficult."
"I'm sure I'll be fi..."
"Listen to me." Tomoe held my wrist firmly to match his tone voice. "You are not the leave my sight and same goes for you Nanami." Nanami, who had been skipping ahead of us stopped and looked at Tomoe.
"Why? I'm not the one who has the mark." She pointed to me.
"White snakes are smart and will try to use you as bait if necessary."
"Fine." She pouted, clearly not liking the fact the both I and Tomoe were now attending school.


"Class, I would like you to meet your new student. This is Tomoe Mikage." The teacher had made Tomoe stand up in front of the class and introduce himself.
"Hi." He mumbled looking at his claws, not making eye contact, but even that was enough to make every girl in the class to swoon. I groaned in annoyance. He's technically Kurama 2.0. I don't think I should point that out.

"So, Lets find you an open seat..."
"That one." He pointed at the seat in front of me and sat down. Talk about an inhuman group.

I was in the middle with Nanami to my left, Kurama to my right and Tomoe in front. Now all I need is another not-quite-human being to sit in the none existent seat behind me and I would be completely boxed in.
Actually, speaking of inhuman. Kurama isn't here today.

"So the tengu is absent?" I swear sometimes he can read minds.
"I think he must be busy with work this week." Nanami pointed out.
"Speaking of Kurama. Looks like someone is replacing him." I pointed at the group of girls starting to swarm around us, more specifically, Tomoe.

"Your Tomoe right? I think I remember you."
"Yeah your the guy who brought lunch for school that one time. That was sweet."
"It was my idea." I stated but no one listened.
"All dresses in traditional clothing to."
"I know it's been a while but do you remember us?" No way. He was only in this class room for five minutes at the most.
"How could I forget. I know the names and faces of everyone in this class especially you three. I put in extra effort for Nanamis friends. It seemed right." Nanamis never even talked to them before, well except for the day we were stoped by them on our way to school.

"Okay. Are you like her girl friend or something?"
"Nanami is my mistress." Baka! You can't just tell humans that.
Suddenly Nanami freaked out and ran out of the class room, pulling Tomoe behind her.
"Um, excuse us." I ran after them.

"You can just tell people that Tomoe. It kind of freaks them out."
"Like what? What did I say?"
"Are you serious!? I'm just going to say what ever. Nanami is my mistress and I'm her man servant..." Man servant?
"Ha, Tomoe just go down graded to man servant." I giggled, earning a glare from Tomoe.
"Here's the deal. Your the son of a wealthy family who has taken me in and hats why you use those terms." Nanami said sternly.
"I'm excuse me, Nanami.sorry to interrupt but, the teacher asked me to give you the class day book." A girl with short, strawberry red hair said, holding out a black binder book.
"Oh, thanks Ami." Nanami grabbed the book.
"Looks like a stinker of a list. We'll see ya."
"Stinker? There is nothing stinky about the list." Tomoe said confused. I face palmed.

After Mikage left, I started to go into town once a week and I never missed a week. Those days helped me to keep up to date with new words, terms and a whole new style of speaking. Tomoe, however, thought it was a waist of time and never came along.

"So do you think she over heard us?" I asked, breaking the silence.
"Is that another friend of yours?" Tomoe asked.
"I think it's the second time I've talked to her." Nanami and Tomoe.started to walk away.
"Huh, wait isn't she the girl you nocked out of the way of Kurama when he was an ostrich?" I ran after them not getting an answer."

-Timeskip(Forth Timeskip this chapter)-

"There that's all of it." I awoke to Nanamis voice. "I just have to drop it of and then we can go. Tomoe." I stiffly stood up and rubbed my stiff eye lid. Sleeping sitting at a school desk is not good for your body.
"Did Tomoe fall asleep to?"
"I guess I'll accompany you then. Well come get him on the way back."
"Can't we just wake him up."
"If you do that, your dealing with him not me."
"Very well then." She sighed and stood up.

"It's still raining.? I hate the rain."
"Why?" She didn't know my past.
"I'm a fish yokai. Have you ever wondered why I'm not in the ocean with the rest of my species?"
"I've never thought about it."
"Well, I'm actually the dragon princess. The daughter of the ruler of sea. I decided I didn't want to live under the water any more so I left. When I got to the surface I was stubbed, so Mikage helped me. That's how I became his familiar."
"You and Tomoe never tell me anything about your past."
"And for a good reason. Yokai lives are not as pleasant as a humans."

"Miss Kaiyō, Lady Nanami. It's good to see you." A calm voice came from behind us. We turned around to see a male with pale skin and greenish, white hair. He was dressed in a high school uniform and held an umbrella to shield him from the rain. The funny thing was, that wasn't our schools uniform.

There was a slight burning sensation on my right wrist I pulled the sleeve up to see the mark of favour lightly glowing. The snake.
"Nanami we have to go." I said, grabbing her arm. I started to walk away quickly.
"Lovely day for rain." The man said, edging closer.
"Run!" I ordered. "Go get Tomoe, Hurry." I launched a water ball at the snake. Nothing. Panicking, I tried again. Still nothing. I couldn't use my powers. The mark was some how blocking my magic. Nanami saw the panic in my eyes and ran down the hall to get Tomoe. Tears started to fall down my face as my legs gave way, paralysed. I couldn't do anything. I felt help less. My limp body collapsed on the floor.
"Please don't cry. I won't hurt you." He was now in front of me. I started to feel drowsy. He crouched down and lifted my chin up. "I promise."

Everything went black.

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