Chapter 33- Back to Normal, Almost

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Now all we need to do is wait.


"Tomoe? Kaiyō?" It was Namami. Her voice was calm and soothing. "Let's go home."

-Timeskip (and so close to the last one to)-

"Good for you! The shrine was so dilapidated she didn't want it!" The lion dogs announced and held out the mallet.
"Cut the bull crap! Why won't she face us herself!" Nanami yelled.
"At any rate, we will return the mark to you." One of the spirits kissed Nanami on the forehead, transferring the mark. "With that, you have become the land god once again
Lady Nanami."
"Swing the mallet at Tomoe please and at the same time say grow bigger." The other one held out the mallet to Nanami and Nanami took it.

"Grow bigger Tomoe!" Nanami ordered and cast the spell using the lucky mallet. The smoke cleared revealing Tomoe but his hair had grown out again. I felt my heart skip a beat.
"Looks like your hair has grown back to." Kotetsu pointed out.
"Does that mean I have to cut it again?" I whined but was stopped by Nanami.
"Kaiyō, revert back to a yokai." A terrible pain over took my body but I could feel the power returning. It felt amazing.
"Yay! Thanks Nanami!" I took here in for a hug.
"No prob!" She managed to say while I was slowly choking her to death.
"Oh, sorry." I let go.

"It seems we owe you. You have my thanks to." And with that Tomoe kissed Nanami restoring there contract. "The contract is resealed."

"Can we seal a contact now! I know it might be weird with both of us being girls but I can't keep for working for you if we don't have a contract." Nanami cut me off with a light kiss on the lips. "Looks like we have contact to my lady." I was rather surprised but shrugged it off. "At any rate, we should be getting to bed."
Nanami yawned as if to agree. She made her way to her room.

"Yes Tomoe." I turned and smiled at him.
He didn't say anything. There was a tight grip around my waist as Tomoe pulled me in and placed his lips on mine. I melted into it and wrapped my arms around his neck just in case my legs fail me. Tomoe gently cut it off.

"Do you love me?"
"Yes." I blushed at my answer. This can't be happening.
"Then will you do me the honer of becoming my girlfriend?" My heart skipped so many beats I think it stopped. This can't be happening. It just can't. But it is. You bet it is.
"Only if you become my boyfriend." I teased him. He seemed satisfied with my answer and pulled me in for another kiss, tightening his grip around my waist.

This has to be the best night of my life so far.


Short but sweet. I suck at writing intimate moments (At least I think I do). Hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading

(510 Words)

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