Chapter 34- Mizuki Returns

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This has to be the best night of my life so far.


I woke up to the feeling of a soft breath lightly touch my ear. There was an arm wrapped tightly but somewhat gently around my waist that forbid me to move. Yes, both Tomoe and I sleep together last night and no, we did not, know. I don't need to say it (Or I'm my case type it).

"Tomoe?" I gently spoke, making Tomoe stir in his sleep. "It's time to get up." He groaned. I know he's awake now. He's just ignoring me. "Look if your not going to get up you might as well let me get up so I can at least get the chores started."

"Fine." Tomoe grumbled and loosened his grip letting me free.
"Thank you." I lifted the covers and stood up. Fixing my kimono into the right position as it had moved while I was sleeping, I left Tomoes room and made my way to mine. I changed into a white and blue kendo kimono. It was the same style as the one Tomoe wears while doing garden work.
I decided to make a traditional breakfast today.

"You decided to get up? Good breakfast needs cooking and the veranda needs sweeping." I handed Tomoe a broom. "Have fun."
Tomoe went outside and I went to prepare Nanamis bathing water.

"Morning Kaiyō!"
"Nanami? Your up early today."
"Its seven. It's the time you should wake up for school." She said in a questionable way.
"I meant for you." I teased. "I'll leave you to it." I left and went to go see Tomoe. He was standing on the veranda with a orange bird perched on his finger.
"Kaiyō? What wrong?" My face started to heat up.
"Nu...Nothing." I stuttered and swiftly turned back into the kitchen to prepare Nanamis breakfast and lunch.


"Breakfast is traditional. Like usual."
"Any mushrooms?"
"Corse not." I despised mushrooms a lot, maybe more then Nanami. Every time Tomoe forced me to eat one I felt physically sick. I placed Nanamis plate in front of her and she started to eat.
"Is something wrong?"
"No I'm fine." I walked over to her and placed my hand on her head. Warm. "As I suspected. You are sick and have a fever."
I grabbed a digital thermometer from the bathroom.

"Put this under your tongue." I instructed and gave her the thermometer.
"No way. Thirty-Nine point eight."
"What a high temperature!" Kotetsu is such a drama, king.
"Please stay home from school lady Nanami!"
"I wish I could but I'll be fine. Besides my attendance record is hanging on the edge. If I miss one more day of school I'll have to repeat the year."

"Your not going anywhere."
"Kaiyō is right. There is now way you can go to school in your current state." Tomoe agreed.
"But I can't miss another day. I'll have to repeat." Nanami whined.
"I have an idea!" Tomoes not going to like this but as her familiars it's our duty to keep her best interests at heart. I explained my idea.

"NO WAY! I'm not going to school as Nanami! Why can't you do it!" As suspected, Tomoe was less then joyful with this idea.
"Because, I'm already a student there and I would be recognised to easily. You on the other hand..."
"I think it's a great idea!"
"Fine I'll do it." Tomoe grumbled.
"Besides, I'm the one that actually studied a bit about medicine. So Nanami would be in better hands if I stayed here."
"I already agreed so why do you keep on rubbing it in!"


"Soft sheep turtle stew is she to help Nanami get better quickly." Onikiri announced.
"You can't feed Nanami that!" I was annoyed at such a thought. "Go put the poor turtle back!" I ordered.
"Good. For a second I though that you and Tomoe had Nanami on a weird diet or something."

Startled I turned around to see a certain white haired snake.
"Mizuki? What are you doing here!?"
"I heard a rumour that Tomoe wasn't going to be here today, so I decided to come visit."
"Tomoes a fox. He'll be able to smell you on me."
"Then I won't touch you."
"You were planing to?" I said with out making eye contact.

"Never mind that. Lunch is ready. Do you want to join us?"
"Yes please!"
"This way." I lead Mizuki down the hallway into Nanamis room. Nanami was laying down on a futon I front of the T.V. and was watching a mid-day show.
"Lunch is ready and we have a guest."
"Huh?" Nanami opened one eye and looked at us.
"This is Mizuki."
"He's the guy! The guy that kidnapped you!"
"And. I forgive him and if I do you should to."
"Fine." The pouted and sat at the table.

"So where is Tomoe anyway?" Mizuki knelt down at the table and took his serving.
"He went to school so Nanami technically didn't miss any days."
"Tomoe cross dressed as you and went to school." Mizuki said shocked and looked at Nanami. "Your sacred word binding must be very powerful."
"It's not like I forced him. I didn't do anything anyway. It was all Kaiyō."
"Really? How did you get a wild fox like that to follow your orders?"
"Um, well..." I couldn't tell Mizuki that me and Tomoe where going out now because we didn't want Nanami to know just yet. "I just asked. I guess."

"You asked him did you. Tomoe must be putting on quite the innocent act around you then."
"And what exactly does that mean?" Both me and Nanami said, annoyed.
"Well he was a wild fox to begin with and I must say, you've done a good job I training him."
"I would appreciate it if you didn't judge Tomoe like that." Nanami said. "Sure he can be a little wild some times but he has a compassionate side he doesn't always show. Kaiyō should know. After all, she has been with him for a while now."
"Five hundred and something years actually."
"Really?" Nanami was shocked.

"I don't know why your surprised. It's not like we're teenagers. Every one thousand or so years is equivalent to one yokai year, but it changes depending on species of yokai. For Tomoe, Mizuki and I, it just so happens to be the case. Every one thousand years that go by just means we're one year older. That's why most of us are sceptic to get involved with humans. Yokai get attached rather easily to relationships they have and that makes it that much more painful to let go of a close bond that you've been kindling for years. That's why Tomoes very serious around you. He's been hurt before and fears he will feel it again. I'm not allowed to share the details though."

"I had no idea."
"And you still shouldn't. Humans don't usually know about this sort of stuff." I paused. "I would like to see Tomoe before I met him, just to see his past so I could understand his complicated heart, but, that is impossible unless you have a time wending Incnese burner. Sadly all of them where destroyed by the gods because to May people were messing with the past. Anyway, time for you to get some more rest."
"Okay." She mumbled and tucked herself back in bed. I picked up the plate and left the room.

"Is it true that you want to see Tomoe before he met Mikage?"
"I would like to." I started to scrub the bowls. "But do you happen to have a time wending incense just lying around?"
"Actually..." I stopped what I was doing.
"No. That's impossible. You can have one."
"It is my most preciousx thing I own, well after the plum blossom tree."
"Do you think I could use it?"
"How far do you want to go back?"

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