Chapter 8- A Broken Contract

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"Tomoe, is that you?"
The fox looked at me with with relief in his violet eyes. He slightly smiled, probably glad to see someone he knew though this whole ordeal.
"So you became a familiar?"
I smirked at his question.
"No, I just decided to serve a god with no contract between us." I said sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood. It didn't seem to work.
"Any way you should rest, if you. Again, if you need me, just give me a shout." I smiled at him and left the room, sliding the screen behind me.

-Time Skip to Early Morning-

I woke up to coughing coming from the most room over. My familiar instincts kicking in, I quicky slipped on my blue and white kimono and rushed into the next room, to see Tomoe leaning against the wall with a bloody hand up to his mouth and one arm around his stomach. He was coughing up blood.

Panicking, I ran into the hall, summoning some water into a bucket and grabbed three pieces of cloth.

I entered the room and knelt beside him. I took his hand away from his mouth and brought a damp cloth to his mouth letting him hold it there with his other hand. I then took the bloody hand a washed it with another damp cloth. He coughed again, turning the once white cloth into a deep red.
'It's getting worse.'

"Kaiyō? What's going on?" I heard my masters sleepy voice coming from the hall.
"Tomoe started to cough up blood." I replied, replacing the dirty cloth with a new one.
After hearing that kami opened to screen, to see Tomoe hunched over letting out another cough.
My master let out a sigh.
"Kaiyō, can you leave us."
"Yes my lord." I left the room quietly, sliding the screen shut behind me.
'What did me master want with Tomoe?"

-Mikages POV-

I awoke to a commotion coming from the hall and decided to investigate. There was a high chance that Kaiyō had just decided to get up early for Otohikos visit, but it was to early, even for her.

I came to the guest bedroom, only to hear coughing coming from within.
"Kaiyō? What's going on?" I asked rather tiredly.
"Tomoe started to cough up blood."
I opened the screen to the room, letting worry take over my actions. I saw the yokai hunched over, slightly leaning against Kaiyō, with one hand over his mouth and one on his stomach. The fox let out another chesty cough.
I sighed.
"Kaiyo, can you leave us."
"Yes my lord." She left the room quickly and quietly, leaving me with he kitsune.

"Will you let me see what's killing you." The kitsune stood and slide of the top of his kimono, reviling black marks wraped around his body.
"As I thought. The spell is work of the one who was once a god. It has wrapped its self around you. How long have you suffered from this darkness?" The yokai stayed quiet, his hair over his face.
"Long enough. Yokai should stay way from former gods. They may have been removed from there god hood, but their enchantments remain and cannot be undone." I knelt down and the kitsune laid next to me, facing the other way.
"My assumption is you must have made a deal with this fallen god."

"I swore...I swore I would spend the rest of my life with a woman, a human woman who was very dear to me. That women has died, so now I to mist die. But I failed to become human, so even if I died, I cannot go where Yukiji is." The yokai replied, finally talking.
"And thus, you were wondering until the end game. So even a yokai like you has can have feelings for another. You came to care that much for a child of man?"
"I loved her more then anything. I planed to be with her forever. If you really are a god, may I ask you to at least attend soon my death bed."
It was sad seeing someone like this, suddenly thought of a plan.

I smiled at the fox.
"Of course you may, How ever there is no reason for you to die. I will aid you with my powers." I put my hand on his cheek and he closed his violet eyes.
"Everything the sun rises and sets your wonder heart will heal and little by little you will forget. It's the power of oblivion. All you have to do is forget the contract and you will escape from its curse. Come, sleep for now."

I stood up and left the room, leaving the yokai to sleep.

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