Chapter 36- Studying

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My vision started to fade out. I sat my back against a tree as I felt my control over this body slipped.

Everything went black.

"Kaiyō?" Mizukis voice echoed around my head. "You where gone for a terribly long time." Mizuki smiled.
"How long?"
"About three to four hours."
"I'm exhausted but my body doesn't ache. It feels weird." I sat up and clenched my hand and then open it again, in a type of pulsing motion.
"Well I did send your soul back not your body so that makes sense. Did you see Tomoe by chance?"
"I met Akura- Ou, but no sign of Tomoe." I didn't completely lie.

"Of course not. I'm right here." I looked up to see Tomoe, still dressed as Nanami, standing in the doorway, literally burning with rage.
"Welcome home Tomoe. Did you have a nice day at school." Mizuki mocked.
"Why is the snake here? I thought I told you not to touch Kaiyō!"
"Actually Tomoe, You never said that." I pointed out.
"I thought he would've gotten the message after I burnt down his shrine!"
"I don't have to listen to you. You have no control over who Kaiyō talks to."
"What where you doing to her? Why are you in her room?"
"I...can'" Mizuki mocked again.
"GET OUT!" Tomoe kicked Mizuki out of the shrine and changed back.

"Damn snake. Why did you let him into the shrine?" Tomoe sat down cross legged.
"Don't look at me." I protested.
"Master Mizuki asked to come in. We could not deny him."
"You work under our orders, not the snakes. Where's Nanami"
"I'm bed, asleep." Onikiri said.
"Good. Can you go check on her?"
"Of course." They both left, closing the door behind them.

"Kaiyō, answer me truthfully. Did the snake do anything to you?" Tomoe said sternly.
"Are you sure?"
"Tomoe." I sighed and hugged him, cause it him to off balance and fall backwards, taking me with him. I landed on top of him. "Sorry!" I said, blushing and I pushed myself off him.
He chuckled. "Don't worry about it." He smiled at me and I smiled back. I felt the urge to lean closer to Tomoe and followed it. It wasn't long before we where both sharing a kiss.

Tomoe leaned closer, deepening it and causing me to fall backwards on to my futon. Tomoe landed on me but didn't brake of the kiss. He put one hand next to my head and one hand on my stomach. I felt a pull on my kimono as Tomoe started to loosen it. This caused me to freak out as I realised what was happening. I broke the kiss.

"Tomoe." I said unsure.
He looked into my eyes. "Yeah."
"I don't know if this is a good idea."
"Sorry." Disappointment filled his eyes and his ears started to flatten. "I got carried away."
"Don't worry about it." I scratched his ear, making him smile. He laid down next to me and I rested my head on his chest. Closing my eyes, I focused on his heart beat. It wasn't long before I had fallen asleep.


Just shut up! My brain felt as if it was going to explode.
It was a Friday morning. It's lunch time at school and we were using this time to study for the finals taking place tomorrow. That all sounds fine till you remember that human girls are brainless and swoon over handsome boy. In this case, my boyfriend. As much as I would like to make our relationship public, both Tomoe and agreed not to let Nanami know till she was more experienced as a land god so she wouldn't be distracted.

"This isn't good. All of my land god stuff has been keeping me so busy that I haven't been able to keep up with any of this material." Nanami was reading a world history book are finding it hard to remember all of it. "Stupid finals. It is almost as awful as these mushrooms. I told you I don't like mushrooms. We don't you just listen to for once." Nanami whined.
"Mushrooms are a great source of iron and iron improves your blood which helps you think better. So I do wonder if the fact that your failing in both being a student and a god has something to do with the fact that you won't eat mushrooms."
"Why can you just let Kaiyō pack my lunches?"
"Because I hate mushrooms to and Tomoe knows that if he gives me that power you will never get any."
"That's exactly why I want you to pack my lunches!" Nanami pointed out.

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