Chapter 26- White Snake

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I don't know the next time I will see him, but I have a feeling it will be sooner then I think.


"Hurry up Nanami. We're going to be late." I slammed open Nanamis bedroom door only to see her still in bed. "Time to get up!" I tore the sheets off her so she would feel the cool air.
"Five more minutes." She mumbled and turned over so her back was facing me.
"Nanami..." I lowered my voice into a whisper and bent down so I could whisper in her ear. "If you would like I could give you a shower in bed." As a fish yokai, I have power of the water and there for I'm able to summon cold water and dump it on her. Nanami knows this quite well because I've done it before.

Quick as lighting, Nanami sprang to her feet and grabbed her uniform.
"I'm up."
"Good. Breakfast is now cold and there is ten minutes before school starts. We better not be late."

Five minutes later, Nanami was eating breakfast. Today was fried eggs on toast as Tomoe and I got lazy. Nanami didn't seem to notice. It took her three minutes to eat.
"Good where done. Let's go."
"Wait you forgot something. Nanami's three tier lunch and an umbrella." Tomoe held out the two items. It was only now that I realised that it was pouring down outside.
"Thanks." I grabbed both items and handed Nanami her lunch. I looked down at my watch. Crap, one minute. "No time to walk." I grabbed Nanami around the waist and put the umbrella over our heads then teleported to a place behind the school. No one was there.

"Let's go." We ran around to the front of the school and ran straight to class, arriving three seconds before the bell.
"Cutting it close today are we." I looked over at Kurama who was smirking. The bell went so I made my way to my desk.
"Nanami slept in." Kurama sat in his desk, which was next to mine.

Nanami and I have separate home economics classes, so when the bell went, we separated and made our way to class. I was a bit uncomfortable about leaving Nanami alone but she was at school, with a tengu. Not much I can do about that though.

I walked into class and sat down next to the window. It was pouring down rain.
"Hey guys, check it out. It's a snake!" Why does Isobe have to be in my class. Wait, a snake!?
I turned around to see a albino snake being swept back by a broom.
"Leave it alone." Everyone turned to look at me as I walked forward. "White snakes are said to be messengers of the gods. You are risking divine retribution." I knelt down a picked it up and it wrapped its body around my arm.
"She's touching a snake!" Isobel yelled and pointed at me in horror.
It was only now did I see his emerald eyes. Albino snakes have red eyes not emerald. He was a yokai.

I lent out the window and put him on the ground. As he slide of I caught sight of a rash in the form of a string of white beads. He has marked me for himself.
"You basted!" I yelled at the snake who hurriedly slithered off, disappearing though some bushes.
"Um, Kaiyō. Are you alright." A girl in my class asked timidly.
"No I'm not. That darn snake wants to marry me!" Than I realised who I was talking to. A human. There gonna think I'm crazy now. "Never mind." I mumbled as I reached into my bag and pulled out a first aid kit. After Nanami became the land god, I started to carry around a first aid kit because she is human.
I wrapped my wrist in a bandage. I can't let Tomoe see. He will worry. Plus, he already has Nanami for that.


"Were back!" I announced as Nanami and I entered the shrine.
Tomoe turned around to face us.
"Good, dinners re...what happened." He gently grabbed my wrist and started to unwrap the bandage. No, he can't find out.
"Nothing. I tripped over during sport that's all." I snatched my wrist back and hurried off to my bedroom, slamming the screen behind me. He can't find out. As a fox he can be quite territorial so I don't want to know what he will do if he finds out about this.

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