Chapter 23- Love Between Two Diffirent Species

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"Look what you have done now. She is happy." I whined.
"Master Familiar." Himemiko addressed me. "I apologise for Altakes behaviour. I have no desire to quarrel, I have come to ask for the land gods assistance in making a match."
"Um making a match? Like a romantic one?" Nanami asked unsure about the situation.
"Please, share with use your story." I was quite curious about this. As a princess, Himemiko should be able to form a relationship with anyone she chooses, so for her to come to Nanami for assistance is quite intriguing.

"We only met but one time. Ten years ago, I fell in love with a human boy.
Kotoro Irashima. He was only eight years old, but he looked most adorable as he cried. Ten human years have now passed. He must of grown into a fine young man by now. I wish to re-kindle my bond with the boy I met once more. But I cannot see Kotoro as I please for I am a yokai. I'm here to ask if lady Nanami with grant my wish? Please."

"No way." It makes sense now. "Love between a human and yokai is forbidden. Surely you are already aware of this?"
"I Know." As a yokai, she is not allowed to create a relationship with this human boy. Gods have the ability to bend the rules a little bit, so naturally she can to Nanami to help.

"I understand." Oh no, Nanami is having another one of her good ideas again. "I will do anything in my power to help you."
"You what!?" This can't be happening. Nanami doesn't know the first thing about match making. This is very bad.

"Thank you miss." Himemiko thanked Nanami. I still can't believe this is happening.

-Kaiyōs POV-

Bored! How long does it take to get ride of a few unwanted guests. Granted, they are important guests and Altake, being as stubborn as he is, is probably proving difficult to get ride of. I knew Tomoe was have trouble because of all the commotion coming from down the hall. Something about grilled fish. I don't know.

"Kaiyō?" The door slide open, reviling a slightly annoyed Tomoe.
"Altake proving to difficult?" I teased.
"For once it's not him that's being difficult." He walked over and knelt down next to me.
"Don't lie. I heard all of the commotion. I'm just glad you didn't burn down the shrine."
There was no reply. "What's the matter?" I reached up and started to scratch him behind his white ears. They were softer then I expected.
Tomoes ear pricked up in surprise and he glared at me, but I could tell that he was enjoying in.
"Gomen." I blushed in response.
"Lady Himemiko has asked Nanami for help with making a match."
"So, why are you so unhappy about..."
"A human match." Tomoe interrupted.
"Oh." Love between a yokai and a human is forbidden. This could prove to difficult for Nanami to pull off. Plus it's her first time to ever attempt granting a wish. "I'm sure Nanami will be fine. We just have to guide her though it."
"I guess." He was obviously expecting me to agree that Nanami shouldn't grant Himemikos wish.
"It's not like there's anything we can to to change her mind." There was a weight placed on my shoulder, causing me to look at what was causing the weight. Tomoe was resting his head on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" I was a little concerned about Tomoes sudden actions.
"Ah ha." He hummed in agreement.
It was now that I noticed the slight smell of alcohol on his breath. But it wasn't strong enough to make him drunk.
I started to scratch him behind the ear again and it wasn't long till he fell asleep.
Must have been a busy day.

Tomoe was to heavy for me to carry into his room so I laid I'm down on my futon and tucked him in. I laid down beside him and closed my eyes, listening to his soft breathing patten. His white hair glowed in the moons light and fell further onto his face with each breath. I closed my eyes peacefully and started to go to sleep. I think I might actually have a crush on the wild fox.

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