Chapter 3-The Surface

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There was nothing I could do to stop what was going to happen next.
My fathers screams filled the air. I covered my ears as hard as I could. Didn't want to hear this. It was to much for me to handle. I could feel tears starting to run down my cheeks and into my mouth, leaving a salty tang in my mouth.

"Madam Kaiyō, Lord Ryūō. Are you okay? Sea slug."
It was the sea slugs.

Over the sound of the sea slugs orders, I heard the yokai sigh in annoyance.
He got of my fathers body and started to walk towards me. Only know did I see what that darn fox wanted. Clasped his left hand, was my fathers right eye. There was a purple flame rising off it, showing the magic that it contained. The stupid fox went though all this trouble to get eternal life. Seriously? I always thought yokai lived long enough and this basted wants to live for ever.

Suddenly, the sea slugs burst through the door
"Stop right there yokai! Sea Slug." They ordered

"I don't have time for this." The fox replied, clearly annoyed at the situation.
He picked up my almost limb body, and threw me over his sholder.
"Put me down!" I ordered, trying to wriggle from his grasp.
"Your coming with me. And if any one else chooses to follow me I will kill you."
"Put...Me...Down!" I continued to try and escape, not caring if my wounds hurt, but his grip was to strong.

The yokai just scoffed and started walking outside, walking passed what was left of the burnt down door. He then summoned a burning cart, which I guessed was his transportation. Hoping onto the burning wooden cart, the fox turned back to the sea slugs. He smirked as the cart began to lift of the ground and rocket up, puncturing the air shield.

-Very, Very Small Time Skip-

I felt the cool air suddenly touched my skin as we breached the water. I have never felt the surface air before. It felt like knifes on my skin.

All of a sudden, I felt body land on the hard, rocky ground. The water that my clothes had soaked up on the trip up here, splatted on the ground around me. In the corner of my eye, I saw the kitsune staring at me, his grin, again, plastered on his pale face.

"You can go back home now you know?"
"I have no need for you. I only used you so I could escape with the eye, obviously."
Slowly I got to my feet.
"Why do you want my fathers eye?"
"None of your business. Now go home your starting to annoy me, women."
"Your the one who kidnapped me in the first place!" I answered raising my voice, annoyed at how he was acting.
"I don't have time for this." He said to himself, turning around.

"Right, I have to go" A young girls voice filled the cool air.
Both me and Tomoe turned around to see a short, long brown haired, teen girl dressed in an unusually short white and blue dress. She had a brown cloak draped around her sholders. Behind her, a shadowy figure stood...fading.

Spotting us she suddenly freezes into position.
"Tomoe?" She whispered quietly, almost inaudible.
It was like she knew us, but that's impossible. I have never seen her before in my life and I'm guessing Tomoe doesn't know her either.

"Tomoe" A gurgling voice bellowed behind me.
Tomoe turned around, smiling with delight.
"How dare you steal the Dragon Kings eye and kidnap the lady Kaiyō. You will return them this instant.
"Unfortunately, I do not have time for that today, but you can have the girl.
"Pfft" I scoffed. There was now way i was going back. I just got up here.

And with that the kitsune summoned a fox fire and burnt the sea anemone, its gurgling screams filling the air. He summoned his cart and flew away.


I'm finding it really hard to make my chapters longer, so please bare with me.
Thanks For Reading.

(695 Words)

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