Chapter 31- Shrunk!

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Before I start I just wanted to point something out...
Any one else think that tiny Tomoe is so cute. Just the look of innocence and shock in his face is so precious 😍.
Anyway, enough fan girling. Back to the story.


I took off running in the direction of Nanamis school, jumping from roof top to roof top, Tomoe following closely behind. Narukamis up to something and it can't be good.

I paused on the top of a building next to Nanami's school and there, in Nanami's class room, was a perspective barrier. This makes sure that humans don't see us yokai and gods.
"I'll give you one guess of who is in that barrier." Tomoe caught up.
"Narukami" I answered, clenching my teeth together. I was pissed. I was enjoying a moment with Tomoe only to have Lady Narukami change direction and go for Nanami.
We both jumped down and into Nanamis class room.

"Nanami!" Tomoe yelled.
"Tomoe? Kaiyō? What are you doing here."
"Are you alright?"
"As expected you have come master Familiar." I'm here to ya know.
"Master Tomoe! Lady Kaiyō! Lady Nanami is in trouble." The clutched onto my blue and white kendo kimono.

"Very well then. What are you doing here Narukami? Can't you see she is scared? Remember she is our lady and mistress."
"A weak little girl like this is your lady and mistress. How sad. I find it very irritating to see you serving a human."
"It is none of your business!" Tomoe launched himself had Narukami, claws stretched out.
Lady Narukami produced a golden mallet with a moons on both ends. The lucky mallet!
"I expected this as well. That is why I borrowed the lucky mallet for Lord Dikokotin!"
"Tomoe watch out!" But it was to late.
"Time to grow smaller Tomoe!" Narukami cast a spell and taped Tomoe with the mallet. The smoke cleared, showing a small Tomoe. What made this even cuter then it already was, was the fact that his ears where still the same size so they where way to big for his head. I snapped out of my thoughts. Tomoe can't live like that for ever.

"Narukami!" I went in for an attack to. "Turn Tomoe back right this instant!"
"Don't worry. I have a spell for you to." She cooed and mumbled something that I couldn't make out. She tried to hit my with the mallet but I dodged. She said it again and tried hitting be, succeeding.

Smoke engulfed me as I felt an excruciating pain. The smoke cleared and the pain faded. I felt the same. I touched my body gently, still nothing. I could tell something was missing though.
"Now your turn!" The lighting god turned to Nanami and placed her hand against Nanamis forehead, removing the land god mark. "Mikages mark. It belongs to me forthwith and with that done you are no longer a land god. Go and love your life now human. Good bye dear." An enchanted leaf was whisked thought he air and landed on Narukamis cheek. Nothing happened, except for angering a flipping lightning god!
The now angry Narukami summoned a wave of lightning and launched it at both me and Tomoe. I felt the lighting more then I thought I would. It...hurt.
What did she do to me!?

"Now Tomoe. If that small size doesn't suit you, come to the shrine. Become my familiar and I shall restore you at once. Same goes for you Kaiyō. Become my familiar and I shall restore you."
I shakily lifted myself of the hard floor and wrapped Tomoes small body in my arms.
"Hold on Tomoe." I whispered.
"Now, willow of the wisps. Lead the way."
"Yes my lady." The replied, scared.
"No wait!" Nanami yelled after them, but they were gone and so was the barrier. "Why did they le..."
"What ever your are going to say can wait." I gestured to the rest of the classroom who where staring at us.

"Kaiyō? How did you get here and why are you wearing a kimono?" Isobel asked. Time in the barrier goes quicker then out here, so to them I just teleported into the room and holding a small plush that just happens to look like Tomoe with ears.
"None of your business!"
"What are you holding?" Isobe snatched Tomoe out of my hands. "Ha! It looks like a small Tomoe with ears and a tail!"
"Give him back Isobe!" I started to panic. I have no idea what condition Tomoe is in right now.
"Why should I?"
"I said...GIVE HIM BACK! You don't what to mess with me right now Isobe and trust me I'm not in a good mood!" Isobe froze with fear at my sudden out burst. I gently took Tomoe out of his hands and exited the room.

"Are you all right?" I looked down at Tomoe who was laying in my arms.
"I'm fine."
"Sorry about that. Humans are idiots." I sighed and started to walk to the park. I have no idea what to do now. Nanami is human, Tomoe is shrunk and I do t know what Narukami did to me. I have noticed that my hearing, eye sight, strength and reaction time has gotten worse. That can't be all she did to me right?

I sat down on a bench and put Tomoe next to me. It wasn't long till Nanami showed up.
"Well this is great. Where all homeless now." Said as she Nanami sat next to me. "Any one have any ideas on what we could do?"
"None." I replied resting my head in my hands.
"It is simple. You do as you please. This is the world of humans is it not? As a human you will find a place for yourself in no time at all if you put your mind to it. As for us, we do not have the ability to look after you anymore."
"What do you mean?" Tomoe knew what had happened to me.
"Your ears." Tomoe mumbled. My ears?
I reached one hand up to my ear and felt it. I froze in shock. Smooth and thick edged, like a humans. Not bumpy and thin like a fin. I can be human. Can I?

"Kaiyō?" Nanami asked concerned.
"I'm human." I muttered under my breath.
"I'm human." I said louder. I felt completely helpless. All of my senses have been dulled down human level, same as my reflexes and speed. I no longer had the power to teleport or summon and utilise water. This can't be happening.
Suddenly, Tomoe went limp.

"Tomoe?" I instinctively placed my hand on his forehead. He was burning. "No this isn't good." I picked him up and ran to the closest doctor.
"Kaiyō! What's happening?" Nanami ran after me.
"Tomoes a powerful yokai. Being shrunk suddenly has caused all of his power to rush around his body and it has now where to go. All of his power can't be contained. Thats why he's burning up."
"You can't take him to a human doctor!" Nanami was right. He's a yokai. They wouldn't know what to do. Now what?

I sat down of the steps out side of the doctors clinic, feeling useless. I could take him the the world over yonder for a doctor but both Nanami and I would be hunted down, plus I don't think there are any doctors in the world over yonder as yokai don't get sick or injured easily.
There as a slight drip of cold water on my head as it started to rain. I hugged Tomoe closer so he would get cold.

"Nanami? Kaiyō? What are you doing here. Wait. Where's your land god mark?"
"Kurama." Nanami mumbled as she fell asleep, exhausted.
"Kaiyō. What's going on here. What happened to Tomoe...and you for that matter?"
"Lady Narukami decided she wanted Tomoe to become her familiar so she shrunk Tomoe, turned me into a human and took Nanamis mark. The only way to get it back is if Tomoe goes to Narukami."
"So, not a good day then." Kurama put down his umbrella and picked up Nanami, bridle style.
"Not really, no."
"You should stay with me till you figure out what to do."
"Thanks. Tomoe won't be happy about it though."
"Not his choice." He smiled and I smiled back.
"Okay. We'll stay with you. But only till we know what to do next."
"Very well then. Let's go shall we." I nodded in agreement.

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