Chapter 19- One Condition

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"I have to catch up on the sleep I've missed."

-Time Skip To Morning-

"Kaiyō." Tomoes gentle voice broke though my dreams, ripping back into reality.
I stayed quiet, hoping he would just go away.
"Kaiyo, time to get up!" I groaned in response on shifted, hoping he would get the message.
"Kaiyō Suna Sukuna! We have a new lady and mistress to serve, so the least you can do is show a little bit of respect for your role as her familiar!" With that he tore the warm sheets off me, exposing me to the cool air.

"Leave me alone." I mumbled and turned over, facing away from him. "You seem to forget that I don't have a contract with her yet."
A thick silence filled the air as Tomoe contemplated what I said.
"Doesn't matter! I'm going to go wake up the lady and I expect you to be ready by the time she's awake." The kitsune then swiftly turned around and left my room.

He obviously isn't happy about being a familiar again, or maybe it's just the fact that shes human. Either way...

Sighing, I lifted myself onto my feet and slipped on my blue kimono and made my way to  lady Nanamis room, tying my hair into a loose ponytail for a change.

"I'm surprised

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"I'm surprised. I thought you would be angry about being a familiar." Nanami's voice came from the other side of the screen.
I can't believe she just said that.
"Did you now?" Oh boy. Here we go. The calm before the storm. "I thing angry is rather taped. I am seething, seething with pure rage." He fox fire staring to engulf his body. "The humiliation of me having to serve a little girl like you! The wretchedness of the idea kept me from sleeping at all last night!"

"It can't be helped so please don't burn down the shrine." I slide open the screen and leaned of the door frame. "If it's really that bad you can always train her to be the so called god worthy of you."
"Worthy like how?" She really has no idea.

"A gods power is called divine power, you desperately need to increase the level of your power." Tomoe carefully placed the tip of his fan on his chin. "You then use this power to grant the wish of others."
"Grant them, but how?"
"For and example we can look at Mikage. He is the god of match making and has granted loads of love sick prayers so his match making divine power is really high."

"Now lets see how great your divine powers are. Try turning this water into saké. Use a white talisman if you wish."
"Yeah, I think I'll have to use one."
I watched as she carefully wrote down saké of the tailsman and placed it of the water.
"Ha, how 'bout that!?"
"I shall have a taste and see." Kotetsu grabbed a pouring spoon and dipped it into the wooden basin."Yes, yes. This is very delicious...water, delicious water."

"Where are you going master Tomoe?"
"Leave me alone."
"No please do not go." "We are utterly helpless on our own." The shrine sprints gripped Tomoes kimono and whined. "You cannot do this!"
"Excuse me! Don't forget I'm still here!" I yelled after them and sighed in frustration. 'I'm not helpless. I'm the years that Tomoe and I had alone he taught me a few new tricks, which is why I can know teleport and summon water out of thin are by stripping the air of the moisture. The moisture is later returned when the water evaporates.'

"Ignore then." I turned to Nanami and smiled. "Lets go get you a spare change of clothes."
All she could do was nod in reply.

-Time skip-

-Nanamis POV-

"Lady Nanami, I'm here with your meal." Onikiris voice chimed snapping me out of the concentration I had on the T.V.
'Before I knew it the yard work, my meals, even the cleaning. They had all be done by Tomoe. Something about it being the duty of the familiar. Even Kaiyō was helping, even though she is not my familiar. I should be happy she is still helping out because if I had to kiss Tomoe to make I'm my familiar, I'm guessing I have to do the same with Kaiyō. Yet even though there out there working, here I am doing nothing.'

"Super popular pop star Kurama has miraculously, wonderfully, amazingly transferred here, to ougigami high school..." The report had caught my attention.
"Ougigami high school, but that's where I go."
"Who in the world is this Kurama person lady Nanami?..."
"And what is a famous pop star?"
I ignored both of them as the realisation hit me.
"Get out, Kurama is going to go to my school?!"
I quickly got dressed in my school uniform and ran down the hall towards the entrance.

"Please wait Lady Nanami!"
"Were are you going so suddenly?" The spirits had griped onto my shirt.
"Let go you guys, I just remembered I have a proficiency test today."
'I forgot I have to go to school, have fun with my friends and maybe sit next to a pop star while trying not the freak out. That's the type of life I should be living.'

"And where are you going?" Crap, Tomoe.
"They said Kurama is a student at my school now. This is my chance to see him in the flesh."
"Who the hell is he?"
"Kurama is a famous pop star that all humans, especially females seem to worship. Don't waist your time with him." Kaiyō suddenly appeared in front of me.
"That's not true." I whined. "Kurama is super famous pop star and now he's going to be a student at my school! It's okay if I go right? It's not like there's going to be any worshiper coming by."

"You may not." Gee, Tomoes such a grump.
"Why not?"
"You must know there will be yokai after you now." Tomoe placed a clawed finger on my forehead. "This mark signifies that you are a land god. For some reason, it has been bestowed upon the forehead of a helpless, human girl."
"Okay why don't you just come with me then?"
"Because I am far to busy with the duties of the shrine and you need to learn how to wield divine power."
"If you really want to go that badly I will allow it."
"How ever I do have one condition."
'This can't be good.'


Ok, so my book has gone from 60 views and 2 votes to 118 views and 9 votes then to 201 views and 33 votes in a couple of days. When I published this book I was really nervous that I wasn't going to be a good writer but it seem people really do enjoy it. So thanks. I really appreciate it.

Thanks so much for reading.

(1162 Words)

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