Chapter 10- A New Familiar

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'I'm hoping that he will become a familiar.' Mikages announcement rang through my mind.
'Well this is going to be interesting.' I thought as I dosed off to sleep.

-Time Skip-

'There we go, done.'
I have swept, moped and polished the floors, washed the dishes, made lunch, made up all the futons in the shrine and Cleaned out the offering box, all before two in the afternoon. I decided to go talk to Tomoe and see what he was doing.

As I approached he door I heard Mikages voice coming the other side of the screen.
"Tomoe, from now on you should live in my shrine as a familiar. I'm sure Kaiyō and the spirits will welcome you." It was Mikage.
"I'm a yokai I cannot live in such a stifling place." Ha, I told him yokai can't live in shrine conditions. I can because I grew up in a palace. A flippen palace!
"You'll be fine. Once the contract to make you my familiar is sealed, you'll be able to live here with ease." I was kind of shocked. Mikage was really asking Tomoe, a wild fox who has been terrorising human for, at least, the last 700 years, to be his familiar! But then again, it would be nice to have help around the shrine.

-2 Day Time Skip-

"Okay is this the length you want." I was cutting the stubborn foxes hair and he couldn't decide a style and after he got the style he couldn't decide the length.

It was a two days after Mikage asked Tomoe to become a familiar and after a few days to think about it, Tomoe had expected the offer. So plus side, I get help around the shrine. Down side, he's so stubborn!

"Yep, Thanks." The fox stood up and started to sweep up what was left of this long white hair.
"Wait, seriously!" I was annoyed now. "I've been cutting your hair all morning and all you wanted was a messy cut around the chin!"
He just looked at me, clearly amused by my actions.
"You could have just told me."
"Yeah, but it was more fun this way."
"Not for me." I stood up and left the room.
"What, aren't you going to help?"
"It's your hair." I yelled back down hall towards him.

-One Month Time Skip-

I started to prepare lunch. Ramen noodles was probably the best option for today. I needed to get more food. I sighed as I grabbed the noodles and the beef. I half filled a pot with water and put the noodles in. I placed the pot on the coals. I started to cut up the beef when Tomoe came in and started to help.
"You can cut up the veggies and prepare the soy sauce."
"Okay, then."
After a few seconds of silence, I could tell the fox wanted to ask me something.
"What is it."
"What is what?"
"I can tell you want to ask me something, so just say it and get it over with." I continued to cut up the meat.
"Why is there hot coals in a wooden shrine?" He put a lot of emphasis into 'wooden.'
"I'm a fish yokai, so I can summon water if I need it. There is no danger of the shrine setting on fire as long as I can keep an eye on the coals."
"Fair enough then."

I stir fried the vegetables and meat and mixed the veggies, meat, noodles and soy sauce in to a large bowl and served it.
"Master, Lunch is ready!" As if on cue, there was foot steps walking onto the deck outside. It was a worshiper.
I went quite.
"Who's that?" Tomoe asked
"A worshipper. If you listen closely you might be able to hear their prayer. Mikage can hear it clearly though."
After about a minute the women left after leaving a few coins in the offering box.
Mikage came into the room, looking disappointed and sad. Something was wrong.
"What was it about?"
"For the last couple of days I've been getting requests to deal with a yokai terrorising people crossing a bridge. Some of them have even gone missing." Mikage explained.
"I want you a Tomoe to find the yokai and put him in his place."

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