Chapter 20- School

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"If you really want to go that badly I will allow it."
"How ever I do have one condition."
'This can't be good.'

-Kaiyōs POV-

I could help but giggle as Tomoe reviled a purple cat hood and gave it Nanami.
"I want you to wear this."
"I can't wear this. I'll be made fun of!"
"This is my condition. If you don't wear it I'm not going to allow you to go."
"Fine!" Nanami snatched it out of Tomoes hands then stormed out, putting it on her head.

"That was a bit mean."
"I don't care. I have better things to do then watch her all day."
"Did she at least have a lunch." Tomoe froze then groaned in realisation. "Come on." I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen.

-Time Skip-

"You should go check on Nanami. I'll bring lunch around later."
"Fine." He wiped his hands on a hand towel and left the shrine.

I finished preparing the food and placed all of the different types of food in the bowls and plates.
"This is enough to feed the whole class." I mumbled and teleported all of it to Nanami's school.

I met Tomoe outside and Tomoe used some of his leafs to turn different objects into beautiful women to cary in the food. I followed behind him. As we approached the door to her class room, I could have sworn I sensed another yokai. I glanced over at Tomoe but I don't think he sensed it. I shrugged it off.

As Tomoe brought in the food and made his little announcement I stood in the doorway carefully scanning the room. I sensed it again. Who ever it is was in the room but was using some type of magic to turn him or her self human and virtually undetectable. I should tell Tomoe but that will only worry him. It's up to me to keep her safe, but how?

-Time Skip To Next Morning-

"See you later." Nanami was about to leave for school for the day and I have a plan. Sighing I glanced over at the orange school uniform hanging on my dresser and put it on. I left my hair out in order to cover my fin like ears and grabbed the messenger bag that had all of the books I need in it and headed to the door.

"Nanami you are forgetting something. The three tier box lunch that I, Tomoe, made especially for you and the cat hood decorated with the seasonal flower."
"Sorry, I'm gonna pass on the cat hood. I'm sure I'll be perfectly fine without it."
"I think not. Walking around alone without that hood is like going into battle completely nude. Try not to say such things until you are capable of defending yourself."
"I think the lunch is enough. Bye guys." Nanami quickly ran outside and headed for school.
"But...gah." Tomoe put his right hand on his head like he was trying to cradle a sore head. He was a little stressed out to say the least.

"Don't worry. I applied yesterday so you don't have to worry about her."
"Your going to school?" He looked confused but I could tell he was a little relieved that I was going to be with Nanami.
"Yep. Don't worry about her. Bye." I waved at Tomoe as I ran after Nanami.

"I finally got away without having to wear that dumb hood." Nanami announced to herself.
"Nanami wait up!" She turned around and panicked when she saw me.
"Don't tell me your here to scold me to."
"No, I'm a student now. I applied yester..."
"Hey, Nanami!" A girls voice rang out behind us."Good Morning!" They approached us. It was only now that I released that I have never really interacted with humans before. Nanami being the exception as she is a god. I started to panic a little but pulled myself together. They can't be that hard to deal with.

"Hey, how are you?"
"Good, will Tomoe by any chance becoming to school today?"
"And if he is, will you introduce us? That would be so cool!" Wait, what! These girls are interested in Tomoe! You've got to be kidding.
"Um, well..."Nanami started.
"Nanami actually brought her lunch today so Tomoes not coming." I interrupted them. I have no idea why I'm acting this way.
"Well that's no fun." I glared at them. Who do they think they are!?
"Sorry for bothering you!" They squeaked in fright and ran off.

Suddenly there was a honk as a red car pulled up. I sensed the yokai again. Who ever they the yokai is was in that car.
The car stopped and someone stepped out. He had short brownish hair and wore the school uniform. Around his neck was a black chocker, a silver necklace with a wing pendent and a silver and red necklace. He also had black fingerless gloves and sunglasses. Kurama.

"No hood today Nanami? I like you this way. Hop in. I'll give up you a ride." He took his glasses off and looked at me. "Who are you?"
"I'm Kaiyō Sukuna. A friend of Nanamis."
"Sukuna ha? I didn't see you at school yesterday."
"I applied yesterday. Who are you?"
He looked a little shocked. "I'm Kurama. The fallen angle of darkness."
I starred at him blankly. I knew who he was but this was just to much fun.
"I'm a famous pop star. Surely you've heard of me."
"I have. I just like to mess with people." I smiled at him and tried not to laugh.

"Anyway, about the ride..." He looked over at Nanami.
"No thank you."
"Why not? Are you being shy, or are intimidated by my popular..." Nanami grabbed his collar and pulled him closer.
"If you really want to know, it because I hate you." She stated plainly.
He looked a little taken back.
Nanami stormed off, dragging me behind her.
I sensed it again. It was coming from behind me. I took one last look at the pop star to see him studying Nanamis head. Crap. He's the yokai! The question is what kind?


It didn't take me that long to write this chapter. Maybe and hour or two. I really need to get a life. A special shout out to @lavendercat398 for being the first to comment on my book and since this my first book, my first commenter ever! I have gotten so much support for this book, it makes me wonder why I was procrastinating for 3 years
(I haven't had Wattpad for three years. I've been wanting to wright a book for three years)

Thank you so much for reading. All of you are amazing!

(1085 Words)

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