Chapter 14- The New Land Kami Part 1

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Suddenly, there was a shout coming from out side.

-Nanamis POV-

Well this is crap. After my fathers gambling problem left us broke, the house was confiscated and my father left me to live on the streets by myself.
"How could that stinking old man do that to me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I breathed out a sigh of relief. I really needed to vent.

"Someone help!" I heard someone yell.
I looked around to see a man in a tan trench coat in a tree. Below him was a small, barking, brown dog.
"Please you gotta help me. Can you please get that dog out of here"? I walked over to the dog.
"Shoo. Shoo!" I shooed the dog away and it scampered away.
There was a sigh of relief that came from above. I looked up to see the man climbing down the trunk.
"Your a life saver thank you."
"No problem." I smiled cheerfully at the man and sat back down on the bench.
"Wait. What's your name?" He yelled after me.
"Um...Nanami. Why?"
"No reason. Just thought it would be nice to know." He sat down next to me. "Why are you just sitting here?"
"Well, my house has just be confiscated." Why does this man what to know this and why am I telling him.

"Well, I could give you my house. It not that far from here."
"I don't mind. I'm sure if you go and say Mikage sent you they will welcome you with open arms." The man kissed me on the fore head and passed me a piece of paper.
He started to walk away. "Follow the map. Your sure to find it."

I looked down at the piece of paper in my hands, a sure enough there was a map. Badly drawn but a map nonetheless. The map lead me to a flight of steps and I hiked up them.


Yay! I finally put Nanami into the story and yes there's a part 2. I'll explain why next chapter.
By the way creepers look like this:

Not like this:

Thanks for reading!

(360 Words)

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