Chapter 9- Tomoe

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I stood up and left the room, leaving the yokai to sleep.

-Kaiyōs POV-

The master had been talking to the yokai for about half and hour now. The sun started to shine through the window. Time to prepare for the day. I walked into my room and prepared for the day. I put my hair into a bun and put the butterfly hair stick that Mikage got me though the bun.

 I put my hair into a bun and put the butterfly hair stick that Mikage got me though the bun

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After I finished, I headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
"Morning Kaiyō." My master entered the kitchen.
"Morning Lord Mikage!" I replied, cheerfully, placing the eggs and meat on the plate.
"How's Tomoe?"
"He will be fine Kaiyō. I used oblivion."
"He formed a contract with a fallen god didn't he?"
"That is correct."
"What about?"
"It is not my place to tell."
"Right. I thought so."
We ate quitely. Mikages voice broke the the silence.

"I'm hoping that he will become a familiar." He announced.
I stopped eating in shock.
"I hope to fix this broken foxes life."
"By making him a familiar!? He's a wild fox. He can't live in shrine conditions and will only cause trouble!"
"I'm willing to at least try. He deserves another chance. Don't you think?"
Mikage was right. I wanted Tomoe to have another chance at life.
"I guess your right." I looked down at my lap, ashamed at the way I just spoke to my master.
"But may I ask you one question?" I lifted my head back up to look at Mikages face.
"It seems like you know the kitsune, like you've met him already. Do you?"
"Yes, he's the one that stole my fathers eye and brought me to the surface."
"So why do you care for him?"
"I...I don't know. I've never thought about it. Perhaps it's because he helped me escape my suffocating life in the palace."
"Are you sure about that."
I just shrugged my sholders. I don't now why I felt this way about the wild fox.

"I better clean the kitchen." I took the empty plates to the basin and started to clean them. Mikage left the kitchen, leaving me to do my chores.

-Small Time Skip-

After finishing my chores I heard the fox yokai stir as he woke up. I decided to get him a clean kimono and some food. I remembered that Mikage had some keno kimonos that he never wore in the cupboard. Grabbing the left over eggs and a white and teal kendo kimono I walked into the guest room, to see the kitsune sleeping on the wooden floor.
Tomoe turned over to looked at me.
"I got you a clean kimono and some food if your hungry."
"Thanks." He started to stand up, his tail softly swinging behind him. The black marks where faded.
"You look a lot better then yesterday. Any way here you go. The kimono was Mikages but he has never worn it."
I started to leave the room.

"What aren't you going to help me change." came a yell from behind. "It's your job as a familiar isn't it."
I blushed but quickly composed myself. A smirk appeared on my face as I turned around to face the kitsune. I'ma gonna have some fun with this.
"Very well then." I walked up to him and started to lossen his kimono.
"What are you doing!"
"Following orders, obviously." I smirked at him. He was shocked at my actions.
"At loss of words are we?"
I let go of the kimono and started to leave again.
"Next time, think about what your going to say before you say it, okay!" I said cheerfully and slide the door shut leaving him alone.

"Did the fox give you trouble?" It was Mikage.
I turned around  to face him.
"Nothing a couldn't handle." I smiled, making my master smile to.

-Time Skip-

After cleaning the dishes left over from dinner I decided to call it a night. I prepared for bed and got under the soft, warm covers. Then I remembered something Mikage said earlier that day.
'I'm hoping that he will become a familiar.' Mikages announcement rang through my mind.
'Well this is going to be interesting.


Yay! Chapter 9 done. Sorry to disappoint lemon fans but I don't write Anyway, please tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading!

(733 Words)

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