Chapter 37- Aquarium

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That basted. I swear the next time I see him, he will die.

-Kaiyōs POV-

"Hi Nanami, where's Tomoe?"
"He's walking home." Nanami was sitting on the room, reading a history book.
"Without you?" She stayed quiet. "What did you do?"
"I'm not an idiot. Tell me." I sat down next to her.
"Two girls asked me to get Tomoe to walk with one of them. I accepted. Now I think I'm regretting it."
"You can't get Tomoe to actually like a human. He doesn't mind you as you are a god and there for more then a basic human. If you knew about Tomoes past you wouldn't try this."
"Why? What happened."
"It's not my place to say. All I can say is, he got to close to a human. Lets just say, it ended badly for both of them." Nanami stayed silent.

"What is the meaning of this nonsense!?" Tomoe questioned holding out a note. "You wanted me to become friendly with a human girl. Is that it!?"
"So you heard that?" Nanami was freaking out.
"Of course I heard. Do you really think matching a yokai with a human is consider it." He scrunched the note up in frustration. "You are the most important human in my life and I would like to keep it that way."
"Don't worry about it." I placed my hand on Tomoes shoulder and smiled at him. "Let's go home."


"So what is so important that you had to drag us both to this fowl place." It was the next day at school and Kurama had asked to speak to us.
"It's simple. I over heard your roof top conversation with Nanami yesterday and got kind of worried. Being wise in the way of the human world I thought I'd give my stupid friend some advice.
"Want conversation do you mean?" Tomoe asked.
"Oh Nanami, you are the most important thing in the world to me and I would like to keep it that way." Kurama did a bad impersonation of Tomoe. "I believe it was something along those lines."
"I never said anything of the sort."
"You can be serious. Nanamis at that age where human girls start dating and looking for a mate. As her familiar do you really want to be the object of her affection. Plus we must also consider the fact that both you and Kaiyō are in a relationship. Be sure to start practicing a little bit more discretion when dealing with her. Okay. Time to go."

I blew out the purple flame that sat in the centre of the room and the boys changed into humans. Tomoe opened the door and there where two girls standing in shock at the three of us.

"Pardon us." Tomoe excused us and we headed to class.
"You do realise what this looks like right?" I teased.
"No, I don't." Kurama smiled at Tomoes confusion. "What? What is it I don't get?"
"It's no fun if we explain it to you fox." I giggled. Kurama got it.
"What?" Tomoe was getting annoyed.
"Let's just say two boys and a girl hiding out in a locked room doesn't look good." I pointed out. He still didn't get it.

The bell went signalling the end of the school day. Finals was today so school finished at one in stead of three. Tomoe and I enter the class room to pick up Nanami.
"Nanami. It's time to go." I called.
"Right, coming." Nanami answered and grabbed her bag.

We were walking thought the markets that lead up to the shrine. I remember the first time I walked though here. It was where I first met Mikage.
"Hey wait. Since school got out early today, how 'bout we don't rush home so fast." Nanami clapped her hands together in anticipation.


"The aquarium! I haven't been here since elementary school!"
"I for one never wished to come here. Honestly, do they really think the fish enjoy being here?" I stated annoyed but Nanami ignored me.
"I can't believe there still playing my favourite show and its starting in less then a minute. Let's go now!" Both me and Tomoe exchanged annoyed glances but followed Nanami.

"Wow! That ones so big. It amazing to think that the oceans full of such amazing creatures."
"I'm from the ocean but you've never shown much interest in my species." Honestly, what's gotten into her.
"What do you think Tomoe?" Tomoe was walking away. "Where do you think your going!?" She ran after him and grabbed him by the sleeve.
"I'm following the route." Tomoe said plainly.
"Look at the fish. Just look at the fish!" Nanami ordered.

Up ahead there was a huge group of people.
"I wonder what's going on. I bet you've never seen anything like it before!"
"What ever it is, I've obviously seen it before." I pointed out. Nanami dragged Tomoe the the crowd and started to jump in order to see. Tomoe grabbed her by the waist and picked her up.
"Is that better?"
"Yeah." Nanami was stunned.
"Great, time to go home." Tomoe grabbed my hand and lead me towards the exit. Nanami followed sheepishly behind.

"Great. We have seen just about every fish in the aquarium. No doubt your satisfied. Now let's go." Tomoe grumbled and dragged Nanami towards the shrine.
"Wait I want to make the most of this visit." She pointed to the building and ran towards it. "Hurry up will ya!?" Tomoe glanced at me and I smiled reassuringly. He grabbed my hand gently and we followed Nanami.

"What an incredible view! To bad I didn't bring my camera. Do you think we could see the shrine from here? Well Tomoe?" She looked over at Tomoe who stared at her. I could tell he was thinking exactly what I was thinking. Kurama was correct. Nanami had feelings for Tomoe.
"You have been acting strangely today. Firstly the aquarium then the night view. Your more excitable today. There is one thing I want to ask you. Have you or have you not been seduced by me. It was something that Kurama mentioned. Apparently human girls your age start looking for a mate and he said I should be more careful considering the situation. Well Kurama loves his jokes and we must think nothing of them."
"What if it was true. What if I did have feelings for you." Nanami shyly made eye contact with Tomoe. I faded into the background so things didn't get more awkward.

"No, Your delusional."
"No I'm not! No, what if what I'm really feeling is love." Nanami insisted.
"You fool!" Tomoe grabbed Nanami around the waist, put her under his arm and jumped up onto the ledge. "I can't believe you haven't noticed yet. As the god of match making you are bad at reading signs and signals, especially when it about your familiars!"
"What do you mean?" Nanami started crying.
"Tomoe put her down. Your scaring her!" I ran after them. "It doesn't matter at the moment. Just put her down first."
"Wait. You two? Your together?"
"Let us hope the cool night breeze brings back your senses."
"Put me down!" Nanami yelled.
"Tomoe listen to her!" I felt tears well up. Tomoe has changed. Only one sentence from Nanamis mouth and he became someone completely different."Please Tomoe. Your scaring me." Tears ran down my cheeks. Tomoe realised what we was doing and hesitated, dropping Nanami.

"Nanami!" Tomoe and I yelled in unison as we jumped over the edge and raced to catch her.

-Nanamis POV-

I couldn't believe it. Tomoe and Kaiyō have been together for who knows how long and I never noticed. I guess it does make sense as they have been living with each other for at least twenty years. I felt like my heart has been smashed into a million pieces. I was happy for them but I loved Tomoe so much I envied Kaiyō and it hurt to feel this way towards a friend.
"Nanami!" Tomoe yelled. "Give me your hand! Do it quick!"
"No! Don't help me!"
"What did you say to me!?" Tomoe grabbed my hand.
"Don't you touch me!" A powerful force left my body and Tomoe quickly let go in shock. What have I done?
"You idiot. Do you want to die?"
"I understand that you and Kaiyō love each other and I'm happy for you but you have no idea how it feels for me!" I can't stand him touching me anymore. His touch is always so caring that every time he touches me now it just reminds me of a painful love.
"Nanami! I promise to never touch you again but please, just this once, let me save you. Please!" He was right. If i didn't let him touch me I would die tonight and it would all be because I couldn't get over my stupid jealousy.

Tomoe touched my cheek gently and wrapped his arms around me. He's so kind, gentle and warm. I envied Kaiyō for this but there was nothing I could do.
"Lets go home." We landed on the ground gently and Kaiyō teleported safely to the ground.

Its no use I know my love for him will just keep getting bigger.

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