Chapter 28- Yonomori Shrine

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Everything went black.


-Tomoes POV-

I awoke to a sick feeling in my stomach.
"Nanami what's... Where's Kaiyō!?"
"There was a guy. Kaiyō tried to stop him but her powers weren't working."
"WHAT!" I jump out of the window and followed Kaiyōs scent. It finished around the
entrance. No this can't be happening.

"Tomoe. There you are. Don't tell us you go straight home after school." It was the girls from before.
"Were going shopping. You should come with us."

"FOX FIRE!" FIND KAIYŌ!" I summoned all the fox fires I could muster, breaking my transformation spell. There was some screams coming from behind me as the girls took cover.
"Dame white snake, when I find you I shall slice you into sashimi." I vowed. I turned my attention to the three girls and erased there minds of the event. I will find you Kaiyō. I promised I would keep up you safe and I still intend to keep it.

-Kaiyōs POV-

"No wake?"
"No wake."
I fought with myself in order to wake up. Wake up you stupid fish. Come on!
"That looks like waking!"
My eyes shot open but everything was foggy.
"Hello Women!" My vision de-fogged. The first thing I saw was to goblin looking boys with umbrella type hair? Can you even call that hair?
"You want a centipede?" Shrine spirits I'm guessing.
"Where am I?"
"Your in the Yonomori shrine." It was that voice again. The snake. "Hello mis Kaiyō. Thank you for rescuing me at your school the other day."
"Yonomori shrine. Like the lady Yonomori, the water god?"
"That is actually correct. My name is Mizuki. I'm the familiar here." Wait Mizuki? The yokai I met that was traveling though time with Nanami. This is how I meet him? Seriously?

"Master Mizuki is taking you as his bride! Time to start the wedding celebrations!" The shrine spirits started to sprinkle paper everywhere.
"Look, Mizuki. Your welcome for saving you, and while I appreciate you taking the effort to thank me, asking me to marry you is a bit extreme. Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered but I love someone else and I think he might love me back."
"You mean Tomoe?

"So what if I do. He has always cared for me even after Mikage left. I will not have you speak that way about him." I stood up and walked passed Mizuki, only to be stopped by a firm grip on my wrist."
"I don't think you understand. This mark on your wrist enotes our engagement. Surely you know this."
"Yes I do, but I do not wish to get married to anyone just yet, especially the likes of you. I'm leaving."
There was a chuckle from behind me.
"Very well. Good luck getting out." What is he talking about. I have lived in a shrine for the past five hundred years. I know my way around them.

There's the door! I ran out side and down the shrine steps. I continued forward not stopping for anyone. Usually, there is a town close the a shrine so if I keep on following this path I should be fine.

After what seemed like hours I finally saw a light.
"Hey, you! Please can you hel..." There stood Mizuki, holding a lamp.
"Glad you found your way back. Welcome home my dear."
"But how, I went all that way." My legs shook beneath me and gave way. I started to cry. I hated feeling trapped. I hated feeling helpless. I hated being away from Tomoe.
"I want to go home." I mumbled under my breath as I cried. I felt Mizuki get closer till I felt his hand on my shoulder.
"Please do not cry. It is not as bad as it seem..."
"Get away from me!" I tried to summon a water ball but it never came.
I heard the shrine spirits laugh at me.

"As long as you still bare my mark you can't use your powers. I thought that was clear..." He paused. "Hold on, your bleeding." Bleeding? How am I bleeding?
"Don't worry about it. It will heal quick anyway."
"But you can still get infection from it. Here let me." Mizuki grabbed a damp cloth and held it against my wrist. I thought back to what Tomoe had said.

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