Chapter 6- An Offer

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Gomen= Sorry
Kamisama/Kami= god or deity


"Um...which way is north?"
-Over Night Time Skip-
"Here we are."
Tomoe gestured to the small village below us.
"Cool, I've never seen a village like that before."
There was no response.

We landed just outside of the town.
"Thanks for the ride!"
"Anything to get you out of my house."
"Your not very nice." I pouted.
"Very well then, bye." He had completely ignored me.
"Bye! See you around." I yelled, waving, as he the cart started to lift off the ground.

I pulled the cloak that Tomoe gave me to hide my fish ears over my head, allowing some of my aqua and purple hair to stick out of the hood. I turned around and started to make my way to the village. It wasn't very big. There was a market selling food, clothing, tools, you name it. It was impossible for me to walk though that market without stopping and looking at something. Walking up some stairs, I entered the next part of the village. There was a few permanent shops but mostly houses.

Now what? I have little money, just enough to get 2-3 meals if used sparingly, and know idea how to get a job. I really should have thought this through.

I walked back into the market place, hoping to find a job opportunity. The place was crowded. All I could hear was the buzz of voices around me. In all the excitement, i accidentally bumped into someone. Knocking him over.

"Gomen." I blurted out, kneeling down to help the man up.
I picked up is glasses and grabbed his hand helping him up.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching were I was going."
"It's alright, either was I."
He lifted his head and I quickly studied his features. He had sholder length, straight blond hair that was a little messy, probably because of the fall. His eyes were a mixture of hazel and brown. He had fairly pale skin.
"Names Kaiyō." I announced holding out my hand to him.
"Mikage." He answered back, taking my hand, turning it over and kissing the back of my hand.

I blushed. It wasn't the first time this has happened to me as it is custom in our culture to kiss a lady's hand when you meet her, but I definitely wasn't expecting a human to do it.

Suddenly, the sound of my growling stomach cut though the moment.
Mikage looked at me with surprise but also amusement. I didn't eat last night. Tomoe didn't have any food.

"Um...sorry about that. I didn't eat anything last night."
"It's alright." Mikage reassured me. "I was just on my way to get something to eat. Would you like to join me?"
"I don't know if I should, but okay. Why not."
Mikage smiled at my enthusiasm.

-Time Skip To Restaurant (Did they even have restaurants back then?)-

"So Kaiyō, Correct?"
"That is correct?"
"Why are you in town."
"I'm looking for a job and hopefully a place to stay. You?"
"I live in the shrine just out of town."
Wait did he just say shrine!?
"Wait." I lowered my voice into a whisper. "Are you a Kamisama?"
He simply nodded.
"I'm an earth god, a match-making god to be exact."
"Interesting. I wasn't expecting to find a Kami in a small village."
"And now that you know who I am, how about you tell me what would bring the dragon princess to a small town like this one."
"How did you know?"
He motioned to his ears. "The ears."
I took a deep breath.
"I have always wanted to come to the surface, so when a yokai fox broke into the palace and kidnapped me I took the chance. It turns out he only wanted me so he could get out of the palace with my fathers eye."

We sat in silence for a moment, eating our meal.
"So how would you like to come work for me as a familiar?"
I almost choked on my food.
"What. Why?"
"Well, you have no place to go, no place to stay and no idea of what to do next. Plus, I have only known you for half and hour and I already enjoy talking with you."
"Thanks for the offer. I'll take it, but I have no idea how to do house hold chores."
"Onikiri and Kotetsu, my shrine spirits can help you."
"Okay, I'll do it!"


Ok, now I'm up to the next plot point. Any one that has watched the anime or read the manga can make a pretty good guess of what I have planned.

Thanks for reading!

(777 Words)

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