Chapter 30- Thunder and Lighting

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I took his clawed hand and lead him back to the shrine.


"Nanami! Where back."
"Kaiyō!" Nanami yelled excitedly and ran into my arms. "I'm so glad your safe."
"Yes, thanks to you and Tomoe."
"Me?" She looked at me confused.
"If it wasn't for you waking Tomoe up the fox fires would have taken longer to fine me. and trust me if I was stuck there for another second I would have bee..." I stopped and shuttered at the thought. I still can't believe that's Mizuki. He seemed so nice when I saw him five hundred years ago with Nanami.
"What's wrong?" Nanamis concern was reflected into her voice.
Tears started to well up in my eyes. I was in shock.
"Kaiyō?" Tomoe asked and placed his hands on my shoulders. All of the emotions that I was hiding for Mizukis and my sake was starting to release. The anger and fear of the whole ordeal. The stress and worry of never being able to come home again. The sadness that I knew I was causing others and the joy of seeing Tomoe again. It was all being released.

I started to ball and tears streamed down my face. Tomoe embraced me, wrapping me in his warm arms, trying to comfort me. I snuggled into Tomoes shoulder, soaking his kimono with tears.
"It's alright. Your safe now." He whispered and started to stroke my hair. Nanami left the room, seeing that I need time alone. It wasn't long before I had calmed down and fell asleep in Tomoes arms.

-Tomoes POV-

Kaiyō froze. I could tell she had finally gone into shock and everything that she had held in was about to be realised.
"What's wrong?" Her eyes started to glisten with tears.
"Kaiyō?" I placed my hands on her shoulders trying to comfort her.
She started to cry. Reacting quickly, I hugged her and I felt her snuggle into my shoulder. "It's alright. Your safe now." I whispered and started to stroke her lavender and aqua hair.
Nanami left the room, give us some space.

I continued to stroke Kaiyō's hair. Not long after, she started to calm down and then went limp. Asleep.
I picked her up and carried Kaiyō to her room, tucked her into bed and left the room.
I decided to go see what Nanami said up to.

"Is she alright? Want happened?" Nanami asked, frantically.
"Kaiyō's fine. She just went into shock. Who knows what that snake did to her. But you shouldn't worry yourself about that. Its time for bed." I pushed Nanami into the bathroom and decided to go to bed myself.

I finally got Kaiyō back. She now knows I love her and I know she loves me, but I wonder how this will effect our lives as familiars?


-Lady Narukami POV-

"Nanami Mamozino, High school student, Human. This girl is hardly anymore then a child. How does she have any business being a land god? Where has Mikage gone?" I questioned my shrine spirits as I studied the new land gods profile.
"His presence is currently unknown." Otohiko, the wind god stated.


"Can you give me Tomoe please?" I asked Mikage.
"Ah, I think no." He answered bluntly.

-Flashback End-

"He refuses to give me Tomoe then disappears for thirty years!"
"You have to feel sorry for poor Tomoe. How awful to serve a human. Yes he does have the girl Kaiyō to help, but still." The wind god continued.
"This is unforgivable." All of the anger built up inside of me released in the form of lighting, burning my shrine. Nanami Mamozino, wether you are human worthy of become a god or not, I lady Narukami god of thunder will take your measure myself!"

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