Chapter 21- Tengu

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He's the yokai! The question is what kind?

Nanami dragged me all the way to school.
"Nanami, My arm hurts."
"Opps, sorry." She let go and rubbed her hand behind her neck, embarrassed.
"It's alright." I rubbed my wrist but the pain quickly stopped. As a yokai I heal quite quickly.
I followed Nanami to our class room. I had managed to pull a few strings to get in to the same class as her.
"Here we are." Nanami announced and I followed in after her.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. In the yokai world I'm considered average but in the human world, well, let's just say I'm considered well above average. In case your wondering what I'm talking about, average yokai are considered very beautiful in the human world, which is why every one gawks over Tomoe, Kurama and

I'm not use to so much attention on me all at once. I froze and scanned the class room. One teacher, ten females, twelve males, one god, two yokai. Altogether that's
twenty-five students and one teacher, and that's included in me.

I snapped out of my trance and walked over to the empty seat next to Nanami. That seat just so happens to be that seat next to Kurama as well. I glared at him and he smirked back. He seemed to get it.
There was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to face Nanami.
"What is it?" She pointed to my ears and I realised that they weren't covered up.
I blushed and quickly unhooked my hair from behind my ears and covered them up. As I did so I heard a slight chuckle come from Kurama. I hope no one else saw.

-Time Skip-

At lunch time, Nanami seemed to have disappeared same as Kurama.
That stupid girl. I swear if something happens to her it's not my fault.
I made sure no one was watching and jumped onto a tree branch.
"Your really doing this whole 'meet on the roof cliché'?" I hear Nanami say and I followed her voice, saying hidden in the leafs. "What do you want?"
"First of all, I want to ask you a question." This ought to be good. "All I have to do is meet there gaze and every girl blushes and looks to her feet, but you alone clam to hate me. Why is that?" Is he really that full of him!

"I did speck up what you were being accused yesterday and I even apologised. I guess I just don't understand what your so unhappy about." Wow, this guys an idiot!
"How dumb are you?"
"Yes, how dumb. HOW DUMB!" See he's an idiot.
"Keep up this act and have fun trying to find someone who would want to be your friend,much less date you. If there's nothing else, I'm out of hear. Later." Nanami turned around and left the roof. Finally.

I turned around to and prepared to jump down when, suddenly, miasma filled the air. I turned back around to see Kurma sprout a pair of black wings. He was a crow tengu! Tengus are known for there isolation on Mt Kurama. It seems this one as left the nest, but what does he want with Nanami?

"Finally I found you, you dirty yokai!" I heard Tomoes yell as he jumped Kurama, knocking him to the ground. Thinking quickly I erected a barrier to stop humans from seeing this fight.
"Who the hell are you?" Kurama asked as he lifted himself of the floor and dusted himself off.
"You must have sharp eyes to set your sights on her, especially so fast."
"You must be her familiar." Kurama went for an attack but Tomoe dodged it and leaped into air, landing on a parasol.
"I am. And you are?"
"A crow tengu of Mt Kurama. I descended 16 years ago. Sadly now that you have seen my true identity, you must die!" Kira a leaped into the air and sent a blade of air right for Tomoe, who blocked it with the parasol.
"You like that fox? Your yokai powers seem a little bit if anything proficient. If you would like, after I become land god I could take you on as my familiar."
"Yeah no. We've already lost one land god where losing another. Why do you want to become a land god anyway? Plus what makes you think we will join you?"
"I'm sure you'll find that I'm way more powerful then any human girl. All I have to do is take one bite of her heart."
"I think we'll pass. Look behind you!" I chuckled and teleported behind him, along with Tomoe.
Kurama seemed a little shocked, but by the time he released what was going on, Tomoe had in in a chock hold.

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