Chapter 15- The New Land Kami Part 2

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-Nanamis POV-

The map lead me to a flight of steps and I hiked up them.

"I got played!" Before me stood an drowned down shrine. It rotting and covered in creepers.
"I'm never trusting another adult again!" I stomped away from the shrine. Who lives in a shrine anyway. There for gods.

"Master Mikage?" Two ghostly voices surrounded me. I screamed as red flames sprouted up from the torches in the ground and surrounded me.
"Master Mikage. Is that you?" Mikage. Isn't that the name of the man that gave me the directions. I quickly walked backwards to get away from the approaching flames, only to trip over the door frame.
"Welcome back Mikage. It's good to see you again." A beautiful male with white hair appeared before me and started walking towards me. It was now that I noticed that he had to ears perched on his head and a fluffy tail coming out from behind him. A yokai.
"20 years. 20 years you left us alone and now your going to pay!" I screamed as the yokai ran straight for me, fire appearing In his clawed hands.

"Tomoe stop!" A stern voice echoed around us, causing the yokai paused only inches from my face.
"That's not Mikage." A twister of water appeared in the corner of the room as almost instantly evaporated. In its place, a beautiful, teenaged girl with long purple and teal hair and deep blue eyes appeared.

"Lady Kaiyō are you sure?" Two of the red flames turned into to masked floating children.
It was now that I started to freak out. 'I'm in a yokai shrine!'
"Look. The land god mark located upon the fore head." The one with a geisha mask stated, pointing to my forehead.
"And I can sense Mikages magical energy." The other one butted in.
"Yet that doesn't make her him." The kitsune spoke, spreading out his fan and holding it in front of his face.
"Tell us women, who are you and why are you here?"
"I'm Nanami Momozono. I was told to come here by some guy that was in the park. He gave me this map and told me to tell you that Mikage sent me."

"May we see." The girl walked out of the shadowy corner and put out he hand. I gave her the map.
"This is Mikages hand writing alright." She handed it to the male.
"Your right. No one else on earth writes like this. So tell me women. Are you aware that you have been chosen to be the next land god."
"Wait! I'm a land god!" I was completely clueless. "How did that happen."

"That's quite simple actually." The girl I assumed to be Kaiyō explained. "You became a god when the mark of the land god was bestowed upon your forehead. This is usually done via a kiss."
I reached up to my forehead, where the man had kissed me. "He kissed me." I mumbled.

"You've got to be kidding me! Her, a land god?"
"Oh, come on Tomoe. Have a little bit of res..." Tomoe cut in.
"The least she can do is count the money in the offering box."
"Oh, come on. I bet a run down shrine like this doesn't get many offerings. You couldn't pay me to do it!"

"I don't have time for this." Tomoe turned around and gracefully walk away.
"Where are you going master Tomoe?" The shrine spirits yelled after him.
"I'm Mikages familiar. I will not serve a human woman. Why not get a stray dog to serve in my place? Are you coming Kaiyō?" He turned to look at the girl leaning against the rotten wall. She shrugged her sholders and lightly walked over to him and took his hand.

"Lady Kaiyō. Master Tomoe. You can't leave us. This girl has been sent here as Mikages replacement and we must homer his wishes." Me. A replacement. Is that all they saw me as.
"Mikage broke our contracts when he gave this girl his mark. We are no longer bound to his words and there for free to do as we choose.
Kaiyō paused. "Having said that though, I do have respect for Mikages choices. So, just give me a shout if you need help." And with that blue flames engulfed both of them, teleporting them to who knows where.

"So...I don't suppose you wouldn't mind putting me up for the night."
"Not at all. Stay as long as you need to." They both bowed at me feet.


So... this second part was created because I wanted to use 2 different pictures but couldn't decide so here we are.

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Personality, I love the second one better but the first one suited the first half of the chapter well so I split it.

Thanks for reading

(812 Words)

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