Chapter 2-The White Kitsune

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Ko Gasumi=A kendo stance
Kendo=A Japanese sword art


As I approached the screen, hearing a mean chuckle coming from the other side of the screen. The chuckle caused shivers to run up my spine. It was chilling. How could someone cause pain to someone and find it funny. Though the screen I could see the silhouette of a tall man towering over another man who I knew was my father. The other man had a long fuzzy tail sticking out behind him and he held fire in his hand.

I clutched my katana tightly and I tore open the paper screen with so much force it fell of the tracks. A white kitsune yokai looked at me, curiously. He was sitting on my fathers stomach and holding him down by the neck. The yokai had a cheeky look in his eyes, but that smirk on his face said it all. He enjoyed it. He had enjoyed every moment of this night. It made me feel sick. I glanced down at my fathers body. His kimono was torn and burn, revealing his scorched body underneath.

"Get out of here Kaiyō" My father crocked under the grip of the foxes hand
"Father?" I asked, tears starting to well up in my eyes.
"Get out of here, now!"
I had never heard my father yell before, this was new.
"Let my father go!" I yelled as a ran at the kitsune, katana in hand.
I knocked into the foxes hard body, pushing him into the wall behind him. The rather surprised kitsune groggily rose onto his feet, using the wall as support.
"Well then, I did not expect that. Who would have known you were that strong?" The Fox yokai let out another chuckle as he wiped blood away from his mouth using the back of his hand.

"Leave my father alone!"
The kitsune just let out another chuckle and ran at me, drawing his katana. I put my katana into defence and blocked his attack. I pushed on his katana, shoving him back, but he wasted no time and ran for me again. I dodged his attack, but barely. His katana sliced the side of my kimono.

"Your gonna have to try harder than that" I taunted
"As you wish" He replied, returning this katana back to the scabbard and summoned two blue fox fires.
"I didn't order you to try harder" I said griping my katana tighter and getting into the
Ko Gasumi stance and pulling my shoulders back.

He flung both of the fires at me. I dogged both. The wild kitsune flung more at me, but he was picking up speed. I dogged once, then twice, three times, but the forth one came to quickly. It hit me in the side, burning though my kimono and scorching my skin.

"Gah!" I screamed in pain. It hurt so much. As my katana hit the ground with a unpleasant clatter, I fell to my knees, writhing in agony. The yokai, rather pleased with himself walked up to me and squatted in front of my face.

"You should have listened to your father, little one." He taunted. The arctic fox stood back up and made his way over to my father. The kitsune sat back down on my fathers chest and reached for his face. He paused then looked back at me, still smirking.
"You may want to close your eyes."

Following his orders I closed my eyes. There was nothing I could do to stop what was going to happen next.


For those who want to know this is the Ko Gasumi stance:

Thanks for reading.

(614 Words)

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