Doing Good!

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Luke's POV

I am so glad Jenna finally woke up! When i told her she could've died she cried so i held her in my arms. She woke me up telling me that she had to go back for one final surgery . Before they took her back i told her i loved her. She paused for a second then said I Love you too. i don't know how but it was 9:00p.m. i guess our nap was long. i just realized. I haven't had a meal ALL day except breakfast. I got up off the bed and started to walk out of the room to get something from the hospital cafeteria when my parents walked back in. "Mom.... I smell bacon! WHERE IS IT!!!!!!!!!!" "Whoa sweetheart chill. We got you an extra bacon, bacon cheese burger and some fries. We knew you hadn't ate all day." "Yall are THE BEST parents EVER!" "Well thank you!" they both said. i finished my burger and fries and turned on the T.V. in Jenna's room and watched something. i dont even know what the heck it was. i was bored and i knew that this surgery was LONG so i got up and said to my parents "I'm gonna go to the gift shop to get somethin for Jen then maybe walk around." they said ok and I left. i got down to the giftshop and i saw the perfect thing. It was a stuffed cow. She told me she LOVES cows. She said that when her parents were alive they owned a dairy and she showed cows too. I think i remember her saying that her older brother took over the farm. Im getting very impatient i just wonna see Jenna!!!

Hour and a half later. (10:30p.m.)

I went back to the room to chill. then the doctor walked in and said, " Jenna is out of surgery and is awake and doing great. she is in recovery a room if you want to see her." I jumped up and said "YES PLEASE!" i followed the doctor to a room and i opened the door and slowly walked in. once she noticed it was me she smiled and said "Hey babe!!!" "Hey darlin how do you feel?" i kissed her lips and sat down in the chair next to her. "Great actually! What time is it?" "about 10:45 i think." "ok"

Jenna's POV

i woke up and remembered i just had surgery then Luke walked in YAY! i love him so much. he said hey and all that stuff and iasked him what time it was blah blah blah. then i asked "Luke. where were you while i was in that extremely long surgery?" "here" he was here?   "the whole time?" "Yep! i Couldnt leave i didnt want to leave you here!" "Oh my gosh Luke! You didnt have to st-" "Yes i did." he cut me off. "I have the best boyfriend in the whole entire world!" "thanks darlin!" "Hey when can i go home?" "I dont know let me go check." Luke came back in and said i could leave around 10:00 in the mornin. i Said ok and he crawled in bed with me and we wnt to bed.

A never ending love (A Luke Bryan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now