Chapter 20

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A/N: I'm gonna skip to the last week of school! I kinda need to get this story movin along!

***Monday morning***

Jenna's POV

Today is Monday... ugh I get up and do my normal routine. Then I head to school. I'm really not in a good mood because I feel like crap. I'm on my period and I feel like world war 2 is goin on in my ovaries! The good thing is school is almost over! Praise Jesus!!

I get to school and park beside Luke... as usual! he hops out and comes to open my door. I think he noticed I don't feel good. "what's wrong baby?" "I'm on my period and I feel like crap" "ok TMI! but I'm sorry. you look beautiful though!" "psh. yeah right" " you do I'm serious!" He leaned down and gave me a kiss. "thanks Lukey!" "hey I have a uh q-question" "shoot" "um do you wonna move in together?" "I've been waitin for you to ask me! YES!!!" "oh thank God! I was nervous to ask you!" "Why baby" "I guess I thought you would say no." he said this and looked down. I got out of my truck and lifted his head with my finger and kissed him. "you know I would say yes! anything to be with you!" "Thanks darlin" "your welcome cowboy" I kissed him again then we walked hand in hand into school. on the way in we talked about us living together. We decided he would move into my house and it would be our house together! I'm so excited!!!! this makes me feel a lot better!

Luke's POV

Jenna said yes! Praise The Lord! I can't wait! I'm gonna move when schools out which is in 2 days! Yes we get out on Wednesday I know it's weird! we walk in and sit down in class together. We don't do anything except hand in books and talk!

The day has gone by pretty fast. We are getting ready to go to PE. We are playing soccer. Jenna is REALLY good!!! We are on the same team which is good!

Jenna's POV

I get changed into a green tshirt that has the sleeves cutoff and black short Nike shorts. then I put on my shin guards then pull my black socks over them. I put on my electric blue cleats and walk outside to find Luke. We meet up with each other then we get in our teams and start to play.

We have 5 seconds left in the game and I run down the field dribbling the ball and kick it! Score!! Our team wins the game! Boo-Yeah... That's just how I roll....... mmmmhhmmm! Luke runs over to me and picks me up and spins me around then kisses me and puts me down. he put his arm around my waist and we start to walk towards the school until I feel someone grab my butt. I turn around and so does Luke. I see this guy named Jeffery. He says "hey baby nice shot! way to win the game for us!" then he winks. I knew Luke wouldn't be happy about this so I stepped away and let Luke do his thing. Carter and Kayla come up to me and Carter hugs me and leaves his arm around my neck. I don't mind at all. in fact I was kinda scared so I snuggled in to his arms. "whatcha gonna do to me Luke. Are you tryin to protect your slut of a girlfriend." I think that sent Luke over the edge. "she's not even pretty. In fact she's kinda ugly." I started cryin. I don't handle people callin me ugly very well. Luke didn't handle well either because he punched the hell out of Jeffery. While all this was happening me and Carter sat on the ground. I was curled up cryin in between Carter's legs. Carter is one of my brothers away from home so it wasn't awkward for either one of us. Luke was still beating the crap out of Jeffery so carter got up and I cuddled with Kayla. She is the bestest bestfriend ever! Carter went over and pulled Luke off of him. Luke was steaming with anger. He was also pretty sweaty... Once Luke calmed down a bit he ran over to me and put me in his lap and hugged me. "I'm so sorry Jenna." "I-I-it's o-ok. I h-hate being called ugly. I don't take it well" I said still crying. "I know darlin but you are beautiful and I love you so much. You are my world and I couldn't live without you. he is just a jealous butthead!" I laughed a little at the 'butthead' part. "thanks Lukey" about this time our idiot PE teacher realized what happened. "Luke! to the office now!" he got up and I followed him. Jeffery looked like a piece of crap. I'm pretty sure his nose is broken.

We got to office and Principal Dave said "What in the world are y'all two doin here?" Luke explained everything. when I say everything I mean every single stinkin detail. "Alright y'all can go. Luke good job. You're doin your part as a boyfriend!" "thanks Mr.Dave!" "No problem! And Jenna are you ok?" "I guess. I'm just a little shook up." He came over and gave me a hug and said "I'm so sorry he did this to y'all he's gonna be suspended I can tell ya that! Let me know if I can do anything for ya!" "thank you Mr.Dave!" he smiled and we walked out. Gosh I love that man!

We get our stuff and head to our cars. I'm still cryin a little but ill be alright. I throw my stuff in the passenger side of my truck then I walk to Luke. He wipes my tears away and says "Jen why don't you come to my house for tonight. I don't wanna leave you like this" "And the best boyfriend award goes to (drumroll please) the cowboy in the blue shirt!!! but seriously thank you Luke! ill go home and pack my stuff then ill come to your house!" "ok! see you then my love!" "ok" we kissed then I went home to pack a few clothes and things I needed!

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