Chapter 41

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Luke's POV

It's Sunday Night at 8:30. So far Jenna's team is undefeated. There are two more games then the Championship. Her team doesn't have to play till the championship!

"Thanks for coming guys!!" Jen said. We all said no problem. Britt and Jacob had to go because the little ones had to go to bed.

"You want simethin to eat pretty girl?" I said rubbing her back as she sat on my lap. "uh yeah. Maybe a candy bar." "which kind?" "um snickers please!" "ok. I'll be right back." "thanks babe!" "your welcome sweetheart." I kissed her and went to the confession stand.

I walked back gave Jen her candy bar and sat down.

Jenna's POV

The two games we FINALLY over. We were playing our biggest rival for the championship game. The West Side Warriors. They're a team full of nasty brats who happen to be good at softball.

Me and Kay were warmed up. She was pitching, I was catching. We were the visitors so I was up to bat first.

The pitcher slung the ball and it went over my head. Ball one. The next ball was inside and about hit me. The next ball was perfect so I drove it. As I rounded third I felt a sharp pain in my knee. I yelled in pain. I had to make it.

I hobbled to home and touched it.

I dropped. "AAHHH" Coach Derek came running over to me from third base. "Jen what happened?! Are you ok?!" I was trying to be tough and not cry. "as I was rounding third I felt a super sharp pain in my knee."

"Ok. you probably tore something. I'm gonna get you to the dugout so we can get you to the hospital."

He carried me and layed me on the bench. Luke came darting in. "JEN?! What happened babe?!" I explained it to him.

Luke scooped me up in his arms and put me in my Aunt Kims Tahoe. Kim Gary and Luke piled in.

Gary started driving. I was in so much pain.

Luke's POV

I was watching Jen round third when I heard her shreek. She fell but now we're on our way to the hospital.

"Luke?" she asked in a groggy voice. "yes hun?" "I think im gonna pas-" her head fell to the side. "Gary! She just passed out!" "oh my gosh!"

Soon enough we were at the ER. I got Jen and carried her upper half while Gary kept her knee in a good position.

Kim ran to the check in desk and said. "My niece just tore her knee up playing softball and she passed out from the pain." "ok ma'am. just fill these papers out and a doctor should be here in a couple of minutes."

She sat down and filled out a couple of pages before the a nurse said "Jenna Myrick" We stood up. Jen had woke up but she was in a ton of pain. They brought a stretcher and we lifted her up on it. They wheeled her to an X-ray room and did some then they did an MRI.

We were in the waiting room when the doctor said " Miss Myrick's family." we stood up and followed him into Jens room. she was resting. "alright so she has a torn ACL it's pretty bad but we think if she stays completely off of it, it will heal. No surgery is required unless it doesn't heal." The Doctor said. "thanks Doc when can she go home?" "in a few hours" with that he left and I sat down on her bed.

Jens POV

I woke up and had a shearing pain in my knee. I yelped in pain. "AHHH!" "Oh my gosh babe are you ok??!!" "Yeah it just hurts." Luke went to tell the doctor. They both came back in. "Alright miss Myrick I'm gonna give you some pain meds and you can go home. We have a brace that kind of goes from mid thigh to mid calf so your legs can breath. No weight on it for at least 6 weeks so you will be on crutches. you can get changed and head home."

The doctor walked out. "UUUGGGHHH!!! I CANT BELIEVE THIS." "What?" Gary said. "I'm gonna be on crutches when I graduate." " Oh my gosh I'm so sorry baby girl." He said hugging me. "it's ok"

I got changed and the doctor put the brace on me and gave me crutches. I hobbled out and Luke helped me in the car.

Luke's POV

When we got home, I helped Hen in the house. We said goodnight to everybody and headed upstairs. We got changed and laid in bed until Kayla comes busting through our door. "Dude what the heck?" Jen said throwing a pillow at her. "Girl I had to come check on you. You had me worried sick!" "Don't worry I'm fine. just bummed I have to graduate with crutches." "I'm so sorry girl. But we won! I brought you your trophy." "thanks so much Kay!" "also we nominated you for the Team MPV so here's your medal. AAANNNDD you got over all tournament MVP so you got another trophy." "Good grief babe! Look at you!!" "Thanks baby. and thanks Kayla I love you girl." love you too boo!"

"Tell Carter we said goodnight!!!" "will do. And Luke he brought your truck back." "ok. Tell him thanks for me. Goodnight Kayla" "ok. Goodnight Luke. Y'all sleep good." We both said ok and she left.

"Well this has been an interesting day." I said turning towards Jen. "yeah it sure has. I'm just glad I have you and everybody else right here with me on this thing we call life." "I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else besides you. I love you Jenna Kate Myrick, with all my heart and soul!" "I love you too Thomas Luther Bryan with all of MY heart and soul."

As I started to softly hum/ sing Jen drifted to sleep in my arms. I am such a lucky guy to have a girl like her. As I finished this thought I fell asleep with my love.

A/N: OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Please don't hate me. I know it's been A LONG time and I hate that but my life has been crazy with school in general, homework, school camp, and everyday life. I only have little bits and pieces of time to write. Please forgive me and I will try and do better!!

Tell me what y'all think about Jens leg!!!!

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