Chapter 46

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Carter's POV

I hopped in my truck and started after Luke. I knew exactly where he was going. Muckalee Creek.

Sure enough. When I pulled up his truck was there. He was sitting on the pier where him and Chris used to always sit together and drink a Beer or two.

"Hey buddy." I said sitting down beside him. He had a beer bottle in his hand. He just kinda did a head nod. "Look bud don't get drunk or Jenna will beat your tail. It's not gonna make it better man."

"I know..." He said as he threw the bottle somewhere in the woods.

"C'mon man. You need Jen and she needs you. So does the rest of your family." I said patting his back. "Ok. I'll go back. I just needed to get outta there..." "I know man."

Jen's POV

I heard the doors open and I saw Luke. Thank God! I ran up to him and gave him a hug. He kissed me so passionately.

"I'm sorry I ran off." he said hugging me. "It's ok babe." He kissed me one more time then we pulled apart.

He was still crying of course but I mean who could blame him. I can't believe Chris is gone... In the blink of an eye. I feel so bad for Luke.


That evening after some paperwork had been signed we all went back to LeClaire's house. We were all silent as we walked in and sat down.

LeClaire came in with a couple of picture books. We all cried as we looked through them and reminisced.

As it got late I asked Luke " Do you want to stay here or go back"

"I think I'm gonna stay here tonight baby." He said as he rubbed my back.

"Ok. I think I'm gonna go back to the house unless you want me to stay."

"You can go back. I'll be ok."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded as he got up to walk out with me. I got up and went to Mama LeClaire. I hugged her and she cried into my shoulder. As I pulled away she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "thank you so much for taking care of us Jen. You are truly a blessing."

"No problem Mama. I love yall so much I would do anything for you. I'll come tomorrow to help plan everything if you want me to."

"That would be great."

I next went to Tommy. He immediately pulled me into a big bear hug. There was nothing like a hug from Tommy. "Be safe going home girl. Thank you so much for everything. We love you sweet girl."

"I love yall too. More than you know."

Next was Kelly... The big sister I never had. I hugged her and neither one of us let go for what seemed like forever. When we finally pulled away she said "See you tomorrow Jen. Thanks for takin care of Luke and the rest of us!"

"No problem Kel. I love you guys so much! Tell Lee and Jordan I said hey if you talk to them."

"I will."

Luke's POV

After Jenna said her goodbyes I grabbed her hand and we walked outside to her truck. I pushed her up against her door and kissed her like I've never kissed her before. Even in this hard time, I realized in that moment... That she was who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

"Wow... Did you feel something there?" she asked as she rubbed my face. "Yeah...." We both stayed still for a little while. I leaned down near her ear and whispered "I love you."

"I love you too Luke." After we kissed one more time I opened her truck door and she hopped in.

"Wait hey Luke. What about Nashville tomorrow?"

"Crap. I totally forgot. I've gotta call and cancel everything. I can't leave."

"Do you have the numbers and everything?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'll go call right now."

"Alright... Call me if you need me. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you"

"Love you too darlin'" As she drove off I could help but think of that moment we shared just minutes ago. It's crazy how in a time of such sadness and loss someone could comfort you like that.


After calling everywhere and explaining my situation I got everything cancelled. Nashville is just gonna have to wait I guess. But for now I'll just work on my dads farm and focus on family. Who knows... Maybe I'll go to college...

After I said goodnight to everyone I went up to my room. I laid down and cried for a little while then I drifted off to sleep.

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