Chapter 45

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A/N: FYI this is a sad chapter😢

Jenna's POV
It's now October an Luke and I are doing great. He just got back from a concert that he went to with his brother Chris. We are going over there tomorrow to have dinner with Luke's family. I'm excited!! It's been a while since I've caught up with them!

Right now me and Luke are watching City Slickers. "I'm hungry" Luke said pausing the movie. "Hey mister you better turn that back on!" I said laughing. "But I'm hungry, and I need food..." He said in a baby voice rubbing his belly. "Well you're a big boy. I think you can find some food." "Ugh. Do you want to order a pizza?" He said getting up and getting some sweet tea. "Sure! I really don't feel like cooking today." I said being totally honest.

We woke up the next day and decided to go to the gym and then grocery shopping. We hardly have any food. Luke and I have started legit working out and trying to eat healthier. Although the pizza probably wasn't the best idea, but hey... A little pizza won't hurt anything.

When we were at the gym I did abs and biceps. Luke did the same. After that we went to the grocery store. We got what we needed and headed out.

Luke is moving to Nashville in just 1 day. I'm staying behind for a little while since our house hasn't sold yet... Which stresses me out. It's gonna be weird without Luke in the house but it's only for a little while hopefully!

We decided to go over to Mama LeClaire's house to hang out for a little while. When we got to her house Chris was laying on the couch. "What's up dirtbag?" I said slapping his leg. Chris is like a big brother to me and I love him like one!

"Oh hey dirtbag. What are yall doin here?" He said sitting up to make room for the me and Luke. "Well we came to visit if that's alright..."

"Yeah I suppose.." he said jokingly. For the next 25 minutes we all three talked and caught up. "Luke go get your daddy. He's fixin fences somewhere..."

"Yes ma'am." Luke said. He is always so polite! "I'll come too. I haven't seen all of the animals in a while..." Luke and I hopped on the four wheeler and took off to find Tommy.

When we got home I sat down to relax and read. Luke went upstairs to change clothes. All of sudden Luke's cell phone rings. He runs down the stairs to get it then runs back up. Out of no where I hear a thud and bloody murder wailing.

I spring out of my chair and run up the steps. As I enter my room I see Luke on the floor crying his eyes out. I've never seen him like this before.

"Babe what's wrong? What happened?"
"I-I-It's Chris. He w-w-was in a car accident and he is about to be t-t-taken off life support." What?! How could this happen it's like a brick wall slammed into my chest. I start to cry but I realize I have to be strong for Luke. "Oh my gosh baby I am so sorry. Let's go. We gotta hurry!"

We get in the car with me driving of course because I don't know how he would be able to. We pull up at the emergency room entrance. Luke gets out of the car and runs in with me on his heels.

"Chris Bryan. What room?" I say. "Room 207"

We bust through the doors and head to that room. When we reach the room we open the door. Luke almost moans at the sight of his body.

Luke's POV

My brother. My only brother. In a hospital bed about to die. He is hooked up to so many machines that you can't even see his body.

My momma runs and hugs me as she wails. "Momma what are we gonna do?" "Pray son. That's all we can do." She says kissing my cheek.

I walk over to his pale body. It takes everything in me to keep looking at him. I pull up a chair and grab his hand and I loose it. I cry and cry and cry. That's all I can do. Nothing comes out when I try to talk.

Jenna comes and sits next to me. I can tell she is trying to be strong for me. By now everyone has left the room to give us time to... say goodbye. The thought of having to do that crushes me.

We are both crying as we hold his hand and tell him how much we love him. I know that this is hard on Jenna as well. Her and Chris had gotten so close.

After we all say our final goodbyes we walk out of the room. Carter and Kayla are there waiting for us.

I ran to Carter and threw my arms around him. I know we are both guys but I needed him right now. Jenna and Kayla sat down as Kay held her and comforted her.

The Doctor came to us all and we stood up. "I have to come out here and confirm" he paused... " If we want to um take him off."

"Oh gosh." I said. I feel like I could throw my guts up right now.

"We have done all that we can do to save him. I'm sorry but there is no hope." He said.

I slid down the wall. I couldn't stand.. I felt like I was gonna pass out. Momma and Daddy were almost to the floor. Kelly was an absolute wreck... I can't believe this.

The Doctor said he would come back in a few minutes to hear our decision. After a lot of discussion we came to the conclusion that it would be best for him to take him off.

My daddy spoke up to the doctor. "We have decided to um..." He choked up. "Take him off."

"Ok. Is there anyone who would like to give their last goodbyes?" The doctor said. We all said no. If I went back in that room I'm pretty sure I would have died.

October 27th, 4:23 p.m. He's gone. My brother is gone. I'll never see him again.

Jenna's POV

When the doctor said it had been done I though Luke was gonna pass out. He was crying so hard he started to hyperventilate. I started to go comfort him but he bolted out the door. "LUKE!!!" I ran out after him but I was too late. He was in his truck and leaving. Carter came up behind me. "Don't worry Jen. I'm gonna go after him." He gave me a hug. "Thank you Carter! I love you!"

"I love you too sweetheart!" He said then he kissed me on the cheek and ran to his truck.

Please be with Luke.

Praying. That's all I could do.

A/N: Guys. Holy moly. Y'all probably hate me right now. I haven't updated in FOREVER and I'm so sorry!!!! I hope you like this! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think! I will try and respond to them all! Make sure to vote also! Y'all are awesome! 😘

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