Chapter 6: Bananas...? Seriously?

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Ringgggg~~~~ Ringgggg~~~~

I groaned as I lift myself to a sitting position. Who turned the alarm on?! ... I'm guessing it's the brothers...

I rubbed my eyes and yawn, stretching my body in the process. So... Today is the day that we'll start schooling...

It took me 5 minutes before I got really awake. I grabbed a towel, personal necessities, and my uniform from my closet and entered the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and started rinsing my bed hair. I applied some strawberry-scented shampoo on my hair and massaged it. Lastly, I put soap on my body before rinsing the lathers off.

I dried myself using the towel. After making sure I AM really dry, I changed to my school uniform. Afterwards, I combed my white locks until no tangled hair had been left. I put a strawberry-smelling perfume on myself and headed out to view myself on a full view.

Still looking cute. I thought

My uniform fits me, and it matches my looks. The blouse wasn't tight, and I'm glad so that no perverts would look at my chest. The skirt's a little bit short, but I'm thinking it's part of the school uniform. It just rested above my knees, um no... I guess it's too short that it didn't even rest at least above my knees. I grabbed my violet phone and went downstairs. The twins were waiting for me. 'Red' went near me and did my hair.

"HEY!!" I backed away. "What are you doing?!"

"I'm tying your hair." He spoke and then combed my hair using his fingers.

"But why?!"

"We need to be cautious in hiding our identity. Maybe before we can know their identity, they already knew of us." He explained then grabbed the half of my hair before tying it.

And it triggered one of my memories.

"What are you doing, ____-kun?" My little self asked.

"I'm going to tie your hair." He said. "You should know how to do it, geez."

"You know how?!" I asked, surprised.

"Yes, what do you think?" He asked. "I'm like the mother of this bunch."

"Isn't mother for girls?" I asked, clueless. "I know! You should be the father, and I'm going to be the mother!"

I looked behind to face him and his face started to get red.

"Then, we are the children!" 'Blue' and two unknown girls exclaimed.

We, except for 'Red' giggled and hugged each other.

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