Chapter 27: DASI RUN RUN RUN!!!

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The three of us went back to school to meet the others. We didn't even send a text, so they might have been worried for us.

"MIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!" We looked over to the origin a voice to see Shinju running towards us-I mean towards Miki.

I and Ayako moved at the side so that we will avoid being hit by her. She tackled Miki into a hug. We stared at her awkwardly.

"Where were you three?!" Shinju asked, standing up. "We're all worried!"

"We got into a little trouble..." Miki said, trailing off.

"Trouble? What kind of trouble?" Yuuto asked.

"We accidentally ate some cupcakes that were supposed to be someone else's." I explained.

"But we had fun!!" Ayako exclaimed.

"Eh?" Akane asked. "You had fun in trouble? Can you explain all? I don't understand."

We ended up explaining what happened. From the cupcakes, to the party, magic show, and face paint.

"And not only that, we also received absent slips!" Ayako exclaimed.

"EHHH?!" They all chorused.

"How lucky!" Shou exclaimed.

"This is your first time being lucky in trouble!" Kaito said.

"Mou, I am not that unlucky..." Ayako pouted.

We all laughed at her.

"Let's go now, it's almost 5." Masami reminded.

We quickly stood up and bid goodbye to each other.

"See you tomorrow!"

~The Next Day~

"RUN!!!" I and Yuki both exclaimed.

Earlier, I decided to do everything my own. I woke up at 4 in the morning and got out on 5. Luckily, the brothers aren't awake yet, and I asked Tomomi to tell the brothers that I went earlier than them.

"My Yumi had grown up!" I remember she exclaimed and hugged me. "You made Tomomi proud!"

On my way, I met up with Yuki and we ended up going to school together. We were happily chatting about things when we heard a bark and a growl (Nope, not EXO). We turned around to see a snarling dog, waiting for the right time to bite. (Who suffers this when going to school everytime? Me :'))

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