Chapter 33: You Made Me A Third Wheel In Your Date!

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As Saturday came, I woke up earlier since I hadn't asked for permission to leave the mansion. I quickly did all my stuff and changed to a comfortable white shirt paired with jeans. I tied my hair in pigtails, and carefully creep through the hallway. Who knows what would pop out in the—

"Yumi-sama, are you spying?"

I almost screamed at the suddenness of the voice. I turned around to see Tomomi looking over at my back.

"Tomomi, what are you doing on my back?!" I whisper-yelled.

"Nothing. Just following you." She shrugs.

I looked around if somebody saw us. There was none. "Did somebody saw you on the way?"

"Nope!" She enthusiastically said.

"How can you be so sure?" I doubted.

"Cause I'm a ninja!"

I facepalm. Well, this is Tomomi we're talking about...

"Anyways, where are you going?" She asked, staring at me from head to feet.

"Promise me you won't stop me on where I'm going."

"It depends on where you're going." She explains. "If you're going to a dangerous place, then you can't!"

I sighed. "I'm not going to a dangerous place Tomomi. It's just that, I was supposed to meet with my best friend at the mall----"

"Eh? We're going?" She asked, and then her eyes sparkled. "And you called me your bestfriend."

I sweatdrop. How would I explain this without hurting her...

"U-Um..." I fiddled with my fingers. "It's another----"

"Yumi-sama!!" I got surprised when she cried anime tears. "I thought I was your first and only friend?!"

I sweatdrop. She's the girl from my flashbacks...? That's... Quite impossible... ^-^;

"But it's okay!" She wiped the tears away. "My little Yumi is growing up!"

She hugged me and nuzzled her cheeks onto mine. She seemed to be spacing out, I need to wake her up somehow.

"Tomomi?" She still keeps on nuzzling her cheeks and muttering incoherent words. "Tomomi!"

"Eh?" She snapped back to her daze. "Gomen Yumi! You can go now."

But there's still something that needs to be answered. Should I ask her for directions?

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